YakkSlapper, on 19 February 2015 - 06:07 PM, said:
YOUN ARE Wrong! so sorry, you CANNOT SELL CHAMP OR HERO MECHS, so, you get the mech bay? NO YOU DONT!! you get a already FILLED mech bey, period, the champ mech takes it up, so you get NOTGHING but a useless raven(no one really uses them they all suck ass) so you get a champ raven IN a mech bay, NOT a mech in a bey + an empty bey, the 'free mech bey' you get is already occupide so it dont count at all, ant thought other wise is a falshood, they only give the bey because they give u the mech 1st, and you have no open bey? you cant get the mech, so they cover there asses by including the bey ON A MECH YOU CAN NEVER GET RID OF! so it dont count, keep the trash hjoke mechs, let us sell our UNWANTED NO USE EXTRA 'Issued" champs and give us the MC instead, give us an EMPTY Mech bey.
now about this event? ha you guys screwed up again, MANDATORY KILL+assist+win=1 point? no!!!! ONE POINT PER KILL, ONE POINT PER ASSISTS, WIN OR LOSE, win? then win=1 point kill or no. any other way is NOT ACCEPTABLE as things stand, i r3efuse to partake of these 'JOKE' events you have no chance in,
I have NO responcibillitys, i play when i feel like, and i can play 24/7 IF i choose, and still see ZERO CHANCE of compleating all the requierments,
The "Yes" was in reference to an earlier question regarding whether CW matches counted.
I've got a 3L I'll sell and keep the champ, freeing up a mechbay.