Myself and several old battle-buddies have formed a somewhat impromptu unit, with the intent of transitioning from a small core of moderately experienced players supported by green recruits, into an effective CW drop force, able to put together 12-man drops at a time, and have effective 1/2 lance forces.
As time progresses, the unit will become more structured, although a website is doubtful. We're here to kill clanners and enjoy doing it. Behavior will not be monitored, audited, or reprimanded. Act as you wish; if someone has an issue with you, bringing it to the unit's
Although we'll not have many rules besides those that benefit us in combat, it is important to treat all fellow militia with respect. In the beginning, we are mostly old friends and we'll banter and talk **** with one another easily. We've been together (how cute) for years, with faces coming and going. We'll make anyone looking to join us feel right at home. High morale and esprit-de-corps is good for killing.
Finally, it is relevant to mention that we ARE a bit newer at the game than established larger factions. If you're brand-spanking-new, we'll pass on the knowledge we have gladly and make you one of our own. If you're a cold hard clan killer, we'll consider ourselves grateful to have you in a lance with us, and you can fill some sort of leadership/sensai role if you would like. We're not so big on politics with ranks, since we barely consider them, but whatever seems to work is what we do.
We'll be most active in EST prime-time timezone, although I would adore having a lance to take into battle in EU or AUS timezones. I'm a third shift worker, so I am often playing at around 8-12AM EST, but most of our force would be projected at 8pm-2am EST, I'd reckon.
Some folks to watch out for, they'll be our more vocal and teamwork-oriented individuals:
MrP1nk, prone to playing light ecm and filling in whatever else is needed
Buster Hymen the Penetrator, prone to playing direct and indirect fire support
Zater, prone to playing direct fire support, gauss rifles and the like.
We have plenty more pilots, enough to fill a couple lances. We're still organizing so I don't have much in the way of documentation or bio type stuff for anyone. Not even sure if that is important; I think the vital thing is to comprise a competent strike force to assist in capturing clan worlds.
If you'd like to know more, add me on:
steam: sand_man_pb
MWO: Sandersson Jankins
Or join our TS3 at
It should be noted that people without rather thick skin for foul language and such things may wish to caution themselves. We'll only censor our communication in the event of a request by someone we consider a good friend.
Edited by Sandersson Jankins, 27 February 2015 - 08:16 PM.