Since 2011/12 MWO has grown significantly. Enough that with the implementation of maps like: TOURMALINE AND CRIMSON, 8V8 was just not going to cut as the game would turn into Hide-n-Seek. So 12v12 came in fruition, and maps like RIVER CITY, FROZEN CITY, CANYON NETWORK turned into immediate brawl-fests. That does not mean you cannot use sniping/lrm support tactics. But with Clans brought into the game through delivering pre-orders back in June/July 2014, brawling would be the inevitable outcome as Clan mechs excel in speed compared to their IS inferiors. Meaning Clanners can easily reach the front of the firing-line and flank with superior grade weaponry at lightning fast speeds. Hence the Ryoken/SCrow, or any mech that weighs less than 85 tons, changed the dynamic of the game.
So logically I think small maps, spawn distances should be expanded just to improve the game around it's current state.
It depends on if players care about their arena maps or not. Map design needs work.
Expand Small Maps, Now... Please.
Started by Zephonarch II, Feb 20 2015 12:58 PM
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