Scout Derek, on 09 March 2015 - 10:21 AM, said:

Announcing Clan Invasion Wave 3!
Posted 09 March 2015 - 11:19 AM
Posted 09 March 2015 - 12:21 PM
Twilight Fenrir, on 09 March 2015 - 10:18 AM, said:

Without touching armor, these are the free tonnage values for each mech:
Arctic Cheetah: 9.5
Shadow Cat: 17
Ebon Jaguar: 30
Executioner: 27
That's right, the 95 ton mech has fewer tons to play with than the 65 ton. Part of this, 8 tons, is eaten up by Jump Jets. A good portion comes from the mammoth XL380 it carries. And it's further chipped away with a standard frame.
I really suspect the Executioner is going to be an unpopular mech, unless its model, or quirks lend it some aid. It's closest cousin, the Highlander, has in excess of 37 tons, even with 5 jjs. (At least, my modified Heavy Metal does, with an XL325) With the Dire Wolf S coming along (42.5 free tons), it won't have the strength of being the only jumping clan assault.
And, technically, you can free up 4 more tons on the DWF-S, as you can change the side torsos to other configs, leaving only the c-torso JJ. Just don't expect your JJ to do anything but get you over a rock...
Thanks to the endo/ferro on the EJ, and the SC, neither will be capable of carying an LB20X in the arm. The EJ can carry one in it's right torso, but there are only 8 crit slots in the arms. Gauss, and UAC/20 will fit still.
Well the thing you forget is the executioner is an old time favourite and what it makes up for lack of pod space, it makes up for going 92.7 kph with masc activated... 92.7 kph...
Forgive me if I am wrong but that is the same speed of a not-speed tweaked stormcrow...
Ontop of that but it has a humongous amount of armour compared to the stormcrow and has 4 tons more pod space.
If anything, the Executioner is the reason no one will play the Gargoyle.
Posted 09 March 2015 - 12:36 PM
Nightshade24, on 09 March 2015 - 12:21 PM, said:
Forgive me if I am wrong but that is the same speed of a not-speed tweaked stormcrow...
Ontop of that but it has a humongous amount of armour compared to the stormcrow and has 4 tons more pod space.
If anything, the Executioner is the reason no one will play the Gargoyle.
Add 6 tons to that advantage--16 locked DHS vs 10 locked DHS.
Posted 09 March 2015 - 12:41 PM
I do wanna use the prime and b stock.
The other two energy boaters are concerning me though...
Posted 09 March 2015 - 12:52 PM
Nightshade24, on 09 March 2015 - 12:21 PM, said:
Well the thing you forget is the executioner is an old time favourite and what it makes up for lack of pod space, it makes up for going 92.7 kph with masc activated... 92.7 kph...
Forgive me if I am wrong but that is the same speed of a not-speed tweaked stormcrow...
Ontop of that but it has a humongous amount of armour compared to the stormcrow and has 4 tons more pod space.
If anything, the Executioner is the reason no one will play the Gargoyle.
So its basicly a bigger, more armoured stormcrow? Because of we look at the stormcrow now, I think the executioner will be very popular. (Streakcrow, etc you see three stormcrows a match,)
Posted 09 March 2015 - 01:10 PM
Nightshade24, on 09 March 2015 - 12:21 PM, said:
Forgive me if I am wrong but that is the same speed of a not-speed tweaked stormcrow...
Ontop of that but it has a humongous amount of armour compared to the stormcrow and has 4 tons more pod space.
If anything, the Executioner is the reason no one will play the Gargoyle.
There is an important difference between a 95 ton mech with a 55 ton mech: the size.
Anyway, with the Clan quirk pass, the Gargoyle (and later the Executioner) might get a niche.
Posted 09 March 2015 - 01:17 PM
Nightshade24, on 09 March 2015 - 12:21 PM, said:
Forgive me if I am wrong but that is the same speed of a not-speed tweaked stormcrow...
Ontop of that but it has a humongous amount of armour compared to the stormcrow and has 4 tons more pod space.
If anything, the Executioner is the reason no one will play the Gargoyle.
It will move at 89 with masc. Same as the Timby and Loki; that's what the speed bracket is.
Posted 09 March 2015 - 01:49 PM
Nightshade24, on 09 March 2015 - 12:21 PM, said:
Forgive me if I am wrong but that is the same speed of a not-speed tweaked stormcrow...
Ontop of that but it has a humongous amount of armour compared to the stormcrow and has 4 tons more pod space.
If anything, the Executioner is the reason no one will play the Gargoyle.
I did forget that point, yes ^^; Completely forgot about MASC. But, that will depend on how they implement it in the game...
The Man O' War can run about that speed all day long, though. 81k untweeked, (Sarna says Executioner runs 86.4K w/ MASC) but it does have about 5 tons less free. So, the Executioner might genuinely put the Man O' War down a peg, with the Ex's extra heatsinks. It will come down to preference on that one. Each has their advantages. Which is ideal balance, actually ^^;
The Awesome 9M makes for another good comparison. With an XL385 slapped in there, it will pull 78K untweeked, with about 35 tons free. Though, it does have 130 less armor at that point.
So, I guess it's a toss up, and not a foregone conclusion as I had drawn. We'll have to wait, and see!
EAP10, on 09 March 2015 - 12:52 PM, said:
Not a single missile spot on any of the Executioners, though. It's mostly an energy boat, with a smattering of ballistic points across a couple configs. A maximum of 3.
Edited by Twilight Fenrir, 09 March 2015 - 02:00 PM.
Posted 09 March 2015 - 07:36 PM
Odanan, on 09 March 2015 - 01:10 PM, said:
Anyway, with the Clan quirk pass, the Gargoyle (and later the Executioner) might get a niche.
I am familiar with the size, But Tonnage to speed ratio is often a thing people compare.
Hence why the Gargoyle, Cicada, Urbanmech, etc are often bullied.
because they Gargoyle / Cicada is just a bigger mech that runs the same speed as a smaller mech with equal/ less firepower with only armour as an advantage.
The urbanmech, kitfox, and adder is the other way around where it is a small mech with a speed as low as a larger mech, meaning that the only advantage it has is jumpjet height and size.
Firepower, armour, etc is not an advantage here.
When you look at the executioner verse the stormcrow.
you see....
1) More firepower
2) Similar speed (with masc)
3) Jumpjets
5) More armour
6) (Depending on omnipods of both mechs) more agile (with masc?)
If we go say compare the Gargoyle with the Stormcrow...
1) Less firepower
2) Slower speed
3) both have no jumpjets
4) Gargoyle is hit with the ugly stick (at least the I...)
5) More armour
6) Stormcrow more agile.
I think everything would get serious quirks (even the timberwolf and stormcrow).
Sure TW and SC will not have the most quirks as say a Summoner or Ice ferret.
but the thing is.. when you try to say make a missile based TW, or use the ballistics (or heavily). Using PPC's or what have you... you are what meta players love saying: "Gimping yourself". Which is a slap to the fast for people who like lore builds/ stock / stock + builds and such... I can agree with this as I want to do a Timberwolf D and it's just not efficient by any standards in this game.
However besides 'poor' omnipods for TW (T2-3), Stormcrow "poor" omnipods (T2-4). Or having a hellbringer with no ECM... most of the mechs clans have are T4-5.
This is my view and this is my opinion, do not take that as fact.
(You thought I was gonna say: "This is my view and you can't do anything so your opinion is invalid" did you?)
Mcgral18, on 09 March 2015 - 01:17 PM, said:
It will move at 89 with masc. Same as the Timby and Loki; that's what the speed bracket is.
I assumed the speed the page has put down was without Speed tweak as this is what happened with earlier pages listed not speed tweaked page.
64.8 kph (no speed tweak) + 10% (speed tweak) = 71.28 kph
71.28 (post speed tweak) + 30% (normal MASC boost) = 92.66400 kph
92.66400 = 92.66 (2dp) or 92.7 (1 dp) or 93 (no dp)
92.7 kph.
Not sure where you got 89 from.
However time for myth buster
"but... but... but... you are wrong!!1! Sarna says 64.8 km/h (86.4 km/h with MASC)!!!"
True, Sarna does say this. But the speed of a mech going through hexes and a speed of a mech in a three dimensional game in a first person view perspective is different.
Also the engine value is slightly different for MW: O. As you can see with the speeds...
The speeds of the...
Nova, Summoner, Timberwolf, Hellbringer, Couldron Born, and Gargoyle is meant to be all the same.
While in game there is a difference (Even more so for summoner who has a quirk for a speed boost)
Sarna does not translate speed into MW: O.
The Gargoyle is moving 64.8 kph, 71.28 kph with speed tweak.
And with masc it moves 84.24 kph, 92.7 kph with speed tweak.
Posted 09 March 2015 - 07:53 PM
Twilight Fenrir, on 09 March 2015 - 01:49 PM, said:
The Man O' War can run about that speed all day long, though. 81k untweeked, (Sarna says Executioner runs 86.4K w/ MASC) but it does have about 5 tons less free. So, the Executioner might genuinely put the Man O' War down a peg, with the Ex's extra heatsinks. It will come down to preference on that one. Each has their advantages. Which is ideal balance, actually ^^;
The Awesome 9M makes for another good comparison. With an XL385 slapped in there, it will pull 78K untweeked, with about 35 tons free. Though, it does have 130 less armor at that point.
So, I guess it's a toss up, and not a foregone conclusion as I had drawn. We'll have to wait, and see!
Not a single missile spot on any of the Executioners, though. It's mostly an energy boat, with a smattering of ballistic points across a couple configs. A maximum of 3.
True, lets leave hard facts for when it's in game =)
Well true, the Gargoyle can run sustained speed longer due to not being supported by MASC but in reality you do not need that speed 100% of the time AND the Executioner runs at a slightly higher speed. But yea Gargoyle has the edge on that for sustained speed while Executioner has raw speed (heh... the different between a sprinter and a long distant runner)
The thing with the awesome is that it is an IS mech. Unless it's completely obliterating the opponent in nearly every field (ie Thunderbolt 9S (with old quirks) verse Warhawk...) It is a split-situation here. If you want an awesome instead of the executioner in CW you need to drop the other clan mechs and change to IS for it.
The Charger is a IS 80 ton mech that is a scout in lore which can do a 400 engine (stock = STD 400, 5 Small laser)
It may be the next IS assault as it was one of the 3 assaults that could be a resistance mech.
So this may take the prize as IS fastest Assault.
can't wait for quirks...
BTW! Sorry to ruin your statement.
but there is 2 Missile- Executioners in the timeline to 3050 and 1 of them is in the pack as the early adopter pack!
Executioner "Gladiator" Alternate Configuration Delta
EXE-D Alt. Config. D
It has a 2 missile hardpoint arm.
2 x Cl SRM 6
1 x Cl ER Small Laser
5 x Cl Small Pulse Lasers
3 x Cl Medium Pulse lasers
1 x Cl Large Pulse Lasers
The other lore-wise Executioner that will be the next config in game will be...
Executioner "Gladiator" Alternate Configeration Charlie
EXE-C Alt. Config. C
1 x Cl UAC 20
1 x Cl LRM 20 + Artemis IV FCS
1 x Cl ER Small Laser
(Targeting Computer)
The special thing about the EXE-C is not that it has 1 Missile hardpoint... But the UAC 20 is on the Right Arm.
Meaning in the future with this boy in game you can do duel gauss pop tarters or duel UAC 20 chargers (Traveling 92 kph~ Duel UAC 20 (Or if I got my tonnage wrong well damn... at least Duel UAC 10's and a large laser could still be mean)
Posted 09 March 2015 - 08:19 PM
Nightshade24, on 09 March 2015 - 07:36 PM, said:
64.8 kph (no speed tweak) + 10% (speed tweak) = 71.28 kph
71.28 (post speed tweak) + 30% (normal MASC boost) = 92.66400 kph
92.66400 = 92.66 (2dp) or 92.7 (1 dp) or 93 (no dp)
92.7 kph.
Not sure where you got 89 from.
However time for myth buster
"but... but... but... you are wrong!!1! Sarna says 64.8 km/h (86.4 km/h with MASC)!!!"
True, Sarna does say this. But the speed of a mech going through hexes and a speed of a mech in a three dimensional game in a first person view perspective is different.
Also the engine value is slightly different for MW: O. As you can see with the speeds...
The speeds of the...
Nova, Summoner, Timberwolf, Hellbringer, Couldron Born, and Gargoyle is meant to be all the same.
While in game there is a difference (Even more so for summoner who has a quirk for a speed boost)
Sarna does not translate speed into MW: O.
The Gargoyle is moving 64.8 kph, 71.28 kph with speed tweak.
And with masc it moves 84.24 kph, 92.7 kph with speed tweak.
All those mechs, minus the Summoner because of the 5% boost, are identical speeds.
MASC, would move them that speed bracket if they follow the TT rules, which is double walking speed.
Because it's a Clam mech with a locked engine, walking speed will always be static, a 4/6 mech that can MASC to 8 hexes.
That is 64 running speed, or ~43 walking speed. Double 43 is 86. Of course, due to the half hex rounding up, in MWO it will be the 89.
That's if PGI even implements it that way. No way to tell, but TT implementation of MASC would be 81/86/89, not the random 30% boost.
Posted 09 March 2015 - 09:08 PM
Mcgral18, on 09 March 2015 - 08:19 PM, said:
All those mechs, minus the Summoner because of the 5% boost, are identical speeds.
MASC, would move them that speed bracket if they follow the TT rules, which is double walking speed.
Because it's a Clam mech with a locked engine, walking speed will always be static, a 4/6 mech that can MASC to 8 hexes.
That is 64 running speed, or ~43 walking speed. Double 43 is 86. Of course, due to the half hex rounding up, in MWO it will be the 89.
That's if PGI even implements it that way. No way to tell, but TT implementation of MASC would be 81/86/89, not the random 30% boost.
Guess we both heard different rules I guess.
Anyway. Can you tell me what clam mech you are talking about or you are going to keep it to yourself and be shell-fish?
Posted 10 March 2015 - 04:38 AM
Nightshade24, on 09 March 2015 - 07:53 PM, said:
but there is 2 Missile- Executioners in the timeline to 3050 and 1 of them is in the pack as the early adopter pack!
Executioner "Gladiator" Alternate Configuration Delta
EXE-D Alt. Config. D
It has a 2 missile hardpoint arm.
2 x Cl SRM 6
1 x Cl ER Small Laser
5 x Cl Small Pulse Lasers
3 x Cl Medium Pulse lasers
1 x Cl Large Pulse Lasers
Haha, no need to apologize! I missed that one somehow, my bad!
As for using the right ballistic arm... 2 Gauss, or 2 UAC/20 would be 24 tons of weapon-weight. Leaving you only 3 tons of ammo, unless you strip armor. And, it has Ferro, so you'll have to strip a lot more to gain tonnage. Two LB10x, could be happily fed, with a few tons left over for some ERML.
Corbenik, on 09 March 2015 - 08:09 PM, said:
OMG, it totally does XD
Edited by Twilight Fenrir, 10 March 2015 - 05:07 AM.
Posted 11 March 2015 - 08:13 AM
Posted 11 March 2015 - 08:47 AM
Twilight Fenrir, on 11 March 2015 - 08:13 AM, said:
If you have the mechs, yes, you can buy the omnipods of Current bought mech. If you missed the early bird special you will not be able to buy the other omnipods
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