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To All Clans And Houses

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#1 Mechfu Master


  • PipPip
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Posted 25 February 2015 - 07:51 AM

Don't get so upset over little things, please. It's beta you know, a experiment that PGI put up to see the results of how it would go.

Have fun at it. Not the mean troll and "you suck" or "is LRMs/ Large Lasers all you ******* got!?"

It's a game. And it's to bad if you're a pug trying to play CW when you should be in a unit playing. Isn't that what CW was about originally?

Even then, if you think CW is broken, and want to make major changes, don't expect it too much now that they made changes to the generators (saw and heard before I began playing), and just go play regular matches.

And here's a little quote for those pugs who hate CW : "Don't lose your way~.... Because you'll die, pugs."

As for the rest of us pugs and units who want to play CW: Play it, make map requests, play it safe, and make those really upset players who make threads about change feel mad cuz they bad. (Did I do that right?)

For the trolls: make any comment you'd like, you're creativity is now needed in order to stall the uglyness of rage.

For the ragers: Go ahead, make those threads, the people who troll are waiting...

For the people who are in the good: keep doing what you're doing, we only get so much time for CW before they take it out and refine it.

- Matoi Ryuko

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