Ace Selin, on 22 February 2015 - 11:34 PM, said:
Having a penalty for being in trial mechs like -10% cbills for every trial mech would be good.
If you play CW you should have a drop deck, the knowledge and the cbills to match, hence why I advocate blocking CW until you have played 50 pug/ 12man matches or similar length, for new players of the game.
C-bill penalties for Trials was one of the patently stupid things that we got rid of ages ago. Why would you stick your finger in the light socket of stupid again?
Grothlamarath, on 22 February 2015 - 11:43 PM, said:
They'll get a Mechbay or two in the process of playing from normal loyalty point gains- Rank 2 is a free Mechbay that would be impossible not to get with any effort, and Rank 6 is as well.
And despite the multiple posturings of "OMG, CW IS FOR ENDGAME LEETS ONLY", the reason it's the domain of the veteran is the newbie isn't even capable of being equipped to match said veteran. It's the same bloody argument we had pre-cadet bonus in public queue: players trapped long-term into using Trials are target practice and end up frustrated and gone. CW needs less experienced players getting their feet wet and becoming regulars or veterans. Goodness knows we do it in Liao, we invest in and need all the players we can get- including getting them out into the pubbie queue in quiet hours and grinding with the same people they'll fight with (and sometimes against) in CW later. I wouldn't even mind seeing the bonus split up further when 4v4 shows up. 25-game cadet bonus for public, 25 for Scouting 4v4, 25 for 12v12 planetary assault.
Incidentally, if CW required a unit tag, I wouldn't qualify. Heck, I don't have one because that way, I don't have a unit rep attached to my faction's rep - nobody can say "Oh, he's just talking for (insert Cappie unit here)."
Edited by wanderer, 23 February 2015 - 03:26 PM.