Dear PGI,
I'm enjoying CW despite its beta status (and teething problems). But I feel like the current set-up doesn't respect the lore and the Clan-tech gives Clans too many advantages and current game-play isn't balanced.
Caveat: A good 12 man team that focuses fire properly and uses good tactics will normally beat a PUG team or less organized team regardless of the tech. But most of us don't have the luxury of constantly dropping with 12 man teams...
ALSO: Clan players don't fight according to Clan lore and procedure, and normally they should be outnumbered compared to the IS mechs. Everyone who is a real Clanner should want this challenge and not an easy romp most of the time.
My suggestion (since its been explained many times that we can't do 10(40) vs. 12(48) matches) is that the DropShip weight limit is increased for IS players or decreased for Clan players.
For example, IS dropships in CW get to carry 280 tons (that's less than 20% increase). Or Clan dropships have a 220 ton limit. We can argue over the precise increase/decrease in tonnage but to me the concept should be easy to implement and will give a better balance to the game.
Right now Stormcrows are the rulers of CW.. for 55tons the amount of firepwer and speed they have is way beyond anything the IS has in its weight class. It fights like a fast Heavy Mech. Same for the TWolf, its basically an Assault. Which is fine, don't nerf them, just give the IS some extra tonnage to compensate and make the battles more interesting.
Thanks for the listening to the suggestion.

Cw Clan Vs Is Balancing Via Dropship Limits
Started by Gaussfather, Feb 23 2015 12:22 PM
8 replies to this topic
Posted 23 February 2015 - 12:22 PM
Posted 23 February 2015 - 12:34 PM
I would love to fight according to lore. I wish PGI could code for, lets say 8 clan vs 12 IS. If you want lore though, that would basically mean release day power clan mechs. However I think 8V12 would balance that out. As far as zel goes, that is fine by me. However one thing you must realize and accept is that zel is broken the instant more than one IS mech fires on the same clan mech. So really with IS tactics there is no way to enjoy that.
One thing for sure, I consistently drop under the max drop weight. Would be nice to get a reward for that. Let IS have more weight, I like the challenege of running lighter than max allowed
One thing for sure, I consistently drop under the max drop weight. Would be nice to get a reward for that. Let IS have more weight, I like the challenege of running lighter than max allowed
Edited by CHH Badkarma, 23 February 2015 - 12:35 PM.
Posted 23 February 2015 - 03:23 PM
Yep I agree!
I'm a Inner sphere player and would like to see this happen!
I kinda Like being the "Under Dog" vs Clan Mech/Tech that is superior.
Not to mention the whole 10 Clan vs 12 IS* will NEVER HAPPEN. . . .
trying to get a "Perfect Balance" between IS/Clan Tech will NEVER HAPPEN!
I think IS* getting more DROP WEIGHT is the most EASY and FAIR thing to Change for the BETTER for MWO!
At the same time, once this Change has been in game for 2 months, maybe, just Maybe . . . Retool some of the Clan Tech.
For Example:
-Clan ER-Medium Lasers, increase the RANGE from (the current 405m) back to the OG(lore) 450m.
-Clan Standard Autocannons, make them Damage as Inner sphere per SHOT, but INCREASE the RECYCLE TIMEs by (scaling up)1-2.5 secs vs IS* versions.
-Clan Ultra Autocannons, Reduce the NUMBER of "Bullets per shot", to UAC2 1+1, UAC5 2.5+2.5, UAC10 5+5, UAC20 10+10. INCREASE RECYCLE TIMES by (scaling up) 1-2.5 secs
I'm a Inner sphere player and would like to see this happen!
I kinda Like being the "Under Dog" vs Clan Mech/Tech that is superior.
Not to mention the whole 10 Clan vs 12 IS* will NEVER HAPPEN. . . .
trying to get a "Perfect Balance" between IS/Clan Tech will NEVER HAPPEN!
I think IS* getting more DROP WEIGHT is the most EASY and FAIR thing to Change for the BETTER for MWO!
At the same time, once this Change has been in game for 2 months, maybe, just Maybe . . . Retool some of the Clan Tech.
For Example:
-Clan ER-Medium Lasers, increase the RANGE from (the current 405m) back to the OG(lore) 450m.
-Clan Standard Autocannons, make them Damage as Inner sphere per SHOT, but INCREASE the RECYCLE TIMEs by (scaling up)1-2.5 secs vs IS* versions.
-Clan Ultra Autocannons, Reduce the NUMBER of "Bullets per shot", to UAC2 1+1, UAC5 2.5+2.5, UAC10 5+5, UAC20 10+10. INCREASE RECYCLE TIMES by (scaling up) 1-2.5 secs
Posted 24 February 2015 - 02:23 PM
Thanks Guys, I like your comments and suggestions! I was against the nerfing of clan tech because I thought the main idea for CW was for the IS to have numerical advantage etc. to even out the fight. Until then, changing drop limits seems like best solution.
I understand that to implement "zel" would require too much discipline and coordination except for the best 12 man teams out there...
But wouldn't it be cool if we could "negotiate" before the drop to decide the battle sometimes? E.G. Your Champion(s) against our Champions(s) winner takes the map/sector battle? Basically a Trial that both sides would respect. I guess it could be done manually if the teams work out the details.
Does anyone know if Trials have worked in CW?
I understand that to implement "zel" would require too much discipline and coordination except for the best 12 man teams out there...
But wouldn't it be cool if we could "negotiate" before the drop to decide the battle sometimes? E.G. Your Champion(s) against our Champions(s) winner takes the map/sector battle? Basically a Trial that both sides would respect. I guess it could be done manually if the teams work out the details.
Does anyone know if Trials have worked in CW?
Posted 24 February 2015 - 02:45 PM
I think increasing the IS drop weight by 10 tons would make enough difference
Posted 24 February 2015 - 04:43 PM
I believe Russ already stated in the latest Town Hall stream that they were going to decrease the Clan tonnage limit a bit within the next few patches. I can't remember if he said by how much but I'm assuming 10-20 tonnes. Personally I'd rather see 10v12 as Clan fought in Stars rather than Lances, but PGI have said that's not happening any time soon

Posted 24 February 2015 - 05:56 PM
might as well do that, if they are going to give them a tonnage penalty like that.
at least 10 vs 12 would fit more in lore than anything else as Clans will not always bid low.
there has been a few times that clanners went for the kill without reducing their forces at all.
at least 10 vs 12 would fit more in lore than anything else as Clans will not always bid low.
there has been a few times that clanners went for the kill without reducing their forces at all.
Edited by VinJade, 24 February 2015 - 05:57 PM.
Posted 02 March 2015 - 08:53 PM
im fine with the dropship limit we have atm, what imo need to be put is ability to remove or having less than 4 mech per drop, so whoever confidence and have utterly heavy mech could go with less , like 2 or 3 mech . instead forced having 4 and unable to do their best due limited to mech dropship cap.
not sure for reverse... since i dont think i wanna see someone spam Spider Army heh heh heh
not sure for reverse... since i dont think i wanna see someone spam Spider Army heh heh heh
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