I never assumed that the KC would come with the pictured skins - I've seen too many PGI sales - but they did create the expectation with the concept art they used for the skins, and they knew quite well a lot of buyers were getting Resistance packs so they could qualify for the free KC.
There was no disclaimer of any kind when the posted the initial KC images, and as I said, today is the first disclaimer of any kind I've seen. I've no idea when they added the 'display purposes only' tag, but I hadn't seen it over the last several months.
The point I'm making isn't that PGI are twirling their mustaches while laughing evilly about depriving us of our hard-earned monies with false advertising. I'm pointing out that their lack of (prompt) communication on these issues creates a gap in expectation - meaning that the buyer can easily make assumptions based on the concept art or 'mechs used. This isn't the first time they've had this problem, but this is a bit more severe than the issues they've had with Phoenix or Clan packs, because the 'mechs they are delivering don't have the skins they were sold with, and there was never any clear explanation that they wouldn't ve delivered in something reasonably close to pictured.
You can't add a disclaimer clarifying what will and won't be delivered three months after the customer has made a purchase. That's far, far too late, and leaves you open to legitimate charges of moving the goalposts.
I'd like to see the ( R ) 'mechs able to use the faction camo upon delivery, and to be made available for the KC as soon as possible, since PGI created those expectations long before issuing any disclaimers.
The FAQ with information about the Resistance skins and unique ( R ) skins was updated Feb 23 ... after they'd already delivered the Panther and Enforcer. Guys, that's WAY too late to finally clarify what you are selling. You sold the concept with a Sword-of-Light colored Panther and a Robinson Ranger DMM Enforcer, and delivered the Resistance Skin ... which now you tell us we can't change, despite giving us the choice of faction content.
Bad form.
Edited by Malleus011, 28 February 2015 - 04:33 PM.