The interest in 'mech warfare is getting more and more popular it seems. From Maxtrix, to Avatar, to Robocop (2014), and then the general interest in humanoid robotic warfare from Starwars, to iRobot, to Robocop (2014) again, and many, many more titles including even the upcoming Chappie, it's clear that this trend is increasing as an interest in entertainment. Yet, how many games out there focus on this niche?
PGI, you have an edge in this corner of the market. I would even suggest it may be worth your while to hire movie producers to make a movie based on this game's world. There's plenty of specific elements to be unique to 'Mech Warrior or Battletech, whichever is preferable, yet lots of room for a specific story and characters to be created and developed. The public is currently primed for this form of entertainment and this would be a huge advertisement for your game.
Marketing And Advertising
Started by destroika, Feb 28 2015 07:53 AM
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