Reposting this (with minor amendments) from the Adder Up event announcement thread as it's somewhat buried under the people complaining about the event, sadly -- hope that's not a problem but I do think this might be worth considering:
When assists were worth more than kills in past events, matches became "lurmaggeddon" and people intentionally avoided finishing off mechs.
When winning the match is a condition to earn points for an event, players often become frustrated because their success is dependent on the team the matchmaker selects for them, rather than their own performance.
When the only requirement is a kill and a assist, players have openly stated their intention to suicide/disconnect once they've achieved the requirement.
There's also the question of rewarding player skill, as well as time commitment.
Perhaps the solution is to give players the ability to earn more than one point per match, based on their performance. This could be simply based off match score, with something like:
50 match score = 1 point
75 match score = 2 points
100 match score = 3 points
125 match score = 5 points. (values tweakable of course)
Alternatively, if a more granular system is preferred, it could be based on specific requirements/thresholds, e.g.:
1 or more kills: 1 point
5 or more kills: 2 (more) points
6 or more assists: 1 point
500 or more damage: 1 point
800 or more damage: 2 (more) points
win the match: 1 point
Examples for the second scoring system:
Player 1: 1 kill, 4 assists, 550 damage, match NOT won = 1+1 = 2 points
Player 2: 5 kills, 3 assists. 825 damage, match NOT won (poor devil) = 1 (for one kill) + 2 (for 5 kills) + 1 (for 500dmg) + 2 (for 800dmg) = 6 points.
This would, if set up correctly, reward players for normal teamplay rather than incentivising particular parts of the game. Additionally, it would make player performance a part of the event -- the better you play, the faster you earn rewards -- while still allowing players who are less performance-focused to instead earn rewards through perseverance.
A Tweak To The Scoring System For Events
Started by Ano, Feb 28 2015 08:53 AM
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