Residence of the InnerSpehere, Invaders from Mars--- I mean Clanners from the Kerensky Cluster today is a day, of days of weeks, of this glorious year. A common enemy of Terra which threatens the stable yellows, bold and inebriated blues, the purple people of freedom, the Dogs, the cats, the birds, and the bears our forces share a common threat(The melon farmers are safe fear not Lee-Ow). This is a call of arms, the call of a united cause, the call of Terran defense, a call of freedom, and a call of honor towards the clans. We share an adversary so great, so cunning, their slippery scales elude any one great powers ability to hold them. We must band together in the face of an overwhelming force who's manipulation sow the seeds of hatred, mistrust and ill will between all our peoples.

We know our enemy they utilize the color of evil, oppression, and hatred they are 'The Reds'. The Kuritans, dragons of evil, serpents of mistrust, forces of anti-freedom, and the true owners of "Die Klanner". The spheroids and the animal crackers may not have much in common and at some point we may need to war with one another. Clans are shaped after an old Terran snack made from cardboard and sugar stuffing while us spheroids are based off of a 1980s future of the Cold Space Wars with royalty and nobility. However let us not dwell on our differences for we must delay our self eradication of eachother to unite against the the first true enemy of everything, Kurita.
As an undercover ultra operative of Honor, freedom, booze, purple, mercenary, melons, swords, shields, and everything else I uncovered the true purpose of The Red Menace. I have here top serect intel of their plans for Terra which I know that the clans cannot stand for:

This artistic rendition of their end game plan for terra comes from a worthy source. I have it on authority from the brother of the cousin of the director from tertiary office of the 4th level of the "Coordinators Plans and Objectives" department. That this is their true motivation once they eliminate all Clanners from the sphere both real and propagandized. Their Die Clanner slogan extends the threat to not only everyone not red, but even the holy grail of Earth. The documents included chilling phrases such as "The Eradication of all clanners, for they must die because they are Klanners."
This evidence is undisputable and I urge all people to fight for the common good of everything and anything. We must eradicate the Reds before they not only destroy us and eachother, but everything and anything in our known universe. They plan to continue their objectives even after The Reddening of Terra we now know their future plan for this galaxy:

Chilling, scary, and real. Clans and houses we must band together against a common enemy and remove the threat of RED forever! Attack the Red Menace before all of Terra, The Sphere and even the Kernseky cluster are all destroyed. Their plan must be stopped and we need to destory them before they destory us! Save the Sphere, Save Terra, Save your Homeworlds. Attack The Red Menace Before It's To Late.
((Enjoy Your Read, Comment, Replay and Roleplay. A good two hours of work and hilarity while writing!))
Edited by Bitey, 02 March 2015 - 08:48 AM.