On march the 6'th, the clans counter-attacked OUR planet in the FRR... so far nothing new. NEW IS, that this time they left us a trophy to show us our superiority over the clans. After smashing some of their mechs, they were so afraid of us that they couldn't leave our planet soon enough. So what happened (sad story begins) ... they forgot one of their clan mates, MrXXXX. MrXXXX was so scared… because he was alone with these grimly FRR-Vikings, that he made some poo-poo in his underpants. But we were very friendly and felt sorry for him (nice story begins). So we took him to our nice little home in the Inner Sphere.
It was a loooong way home, but all our viking friends came with us!
After we gave MrXXXX some new underpants and he changed his stinky ones, MrXXXX was happy again.
Now it was time for a great party for our new friend!
With cool pew pew laser show, and looots of mead!
Probably because of the party and some small glases of mead, MrXXXX was suddenly very tired and fell asleep for a long long time! (end of story)