Fire for Effect, on 02 July 2012 - 02:09 AM, said:
The problem is you wont get it to the right spot since it is very unlikely that you start at the right spot so you need to get there which is kind of a problem considering a snails speed. Chances are you will be spotted before you are at a useful place, and then a flight of LRMs would likely end your existence. A smart player can also just ignore your snail and go around it or if you are annoying enough just end you with artillery, indirect fire or long range weaponry.
Well... its always possible there will be a game mode where both sides have a limited amount of BV or a C-Bill budget to spend on what they deploy in a match. At that point designs like the Urbanmech can and likely will make a successful appearance. But until they provide some form of economic constraint for the matches Urbanmech is taking a Hunchbacks slot.