Maccasimus, on 10 March 2015 - 02:14 AM, said:
So you're an average player? Then you get average rewards. That's how it works. Stop treating this GAME like a JOB. Expecting to be paid by the hour.

See its the guys like you, and other vet players that frustrate me with this mentality.
You guys already have everything you need, or have shelled out money when you don't feel like spending days grinding for mechs & the equipment that actually will get results.
This is about the importance of adjusting Rewards 2.0 properly for new players, and players starting out that may be building up their inventory ect, especially with the Steam release closing in.
One thing you do not do to new customers, is frustrate the living hell out of them.
Do you honestly think a new person joining up into MWO, who will likely get stomped over and over with stock mechs and SHS will shell out $ when he see's how crazy the grind is to even unlock a single mech and get it fitted with a new engine/weapons/modules/skills?
I don't think so man.
There needs to be a level field when it comes to income, not solely based on Kills alone, but like 2.0 was intended, rewarding teamwork actions better ect..
What little reward offered for actually doing them though, they're just not adding up in a way that makes it profitable.
I'll tell you what though, if I were starting out fresh right now with NOTHING, and having to deal with low cbill games from loss after loss with inferior mechs, while still getting kills and multiple assists and solid damage.. I wouldn't invest in the game at all, I'd uninstall it.
I think that most of us who have played this a while, and have accumulated enough to the point where it doesn't affect us, can easily turn a blind eye.
But just put yourself in the position of a new player and what you would have to go through now to get what you have Today with this kind of economy..
Now PGi does soften the blow often, with weekend events and free mechs and premium time and other awesome goodies, and I find it amazing of PGI to do it, love them for it infact.
Its just between those times, the game got seriously grindy after 2.0.
Edited by Mister D, 10 March 2015 - 03:22 AM.