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Purvo 7 News For 4/20/3050

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#1 ArchangelKenko


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Posted 19 April 2015 - 09:41 PM

Purvo 7 News for 4/20/3050

Gatekeepers Resume Isolationist Actions On Purvo

APRIL 3050 -- To better prepare competition units for the upcoming tournament season, the House Liao Gatekeepers resumed their policy of isolation from the Inner Sphere. A written statement reads:

“In the vein of the Chinese cultures of ancient Terra, we the Gatekeepers, through a majority consensus, and much deliberation have deemed necessary to once again enter into a period of isolation from the Confederation.

During our debate surrounding our battalion’s future, we at first considered the necessity of leaving our beloved Confederation, for a time, or for good. Our Battalion, loyal and faithful to the Celestial Throne, and the Chancellor, would not hear of changing faction from steadfast Liaoist. In the face of being ground down and abandoned by the House we so cared for, the Gatekeepers remained steadfastly Liao.

As such we will be enacting a new isolationist period for HLGK as a unit. We will only Field Unit drops of a full 12 man company in CW. We will furthermore no longer be participating in the expansion of the Confederation's borders, instead focusing on the Gatekeepers' sworn duty of defending the Liao borders against any and all invaders. Our gameplay has never been defined by the gathering of something as mundane as tags on planets on a field that will be repeatedly reset. Our time is better spent grooming our teams for League Games, and training the rest to play on a competition level. Our players are with us for the camaraderie we have fostered. Our more seasoned MechWarriors are happy to share knowledge on our Training staff, preparing for the next competition.By way of our position of not fielding a company of less than 12, no outside MechWarriors will be allowed in Purvo Actual, the Gatekeepers teamspeak.

Our competition teams, who will be fielded in the coming weeks during League tournaments like the MRBC, and the upcoming LCU (League of Capellan Unity), are working hard to be ready for the competition.”

Aggressive Action by House Marik Will Not Provoke Us

APRIL, 3050 -- Citizens of the Confederation have demanded answers of the CCAF and loyalist battalions following aggressive action on the Marik front. In open defiance of the non aggression pact planets along the eastern border breast suddenly laid siege by rogue units When pressed, a member of the Liao Great Wall had this comment:

"We will be honoring the non-aggression pact as best we can. However, our borders will remain defended against any threat regardless of loyalties. For the honor of the celestial throne we will repel these fringe units who carry out small scale invasions on the western border. Aggressive action by House Marik Will not provoke us to reciprocate these careless actions in the face of a long established non aggression pact."

UPDATE: In conversation with House Marik over the HPG have discussed terms of the return of the Liao system to the Confederation, its rightful owner.

We will continue to report as this story develops.

Spring Training Is Online and Nominal Ahead of 3050 League Games

MONDAY, APRIL 20th 3050--Pre-season training started in recent weeks ahead of the 3050 competitive leagues. For the Red Lancers, Nikita's Club, and Terror Squad on Purvo training is grueling year-round, in the form of battle after harrowing battle for supremacy of the Inner Sphere. In the coming weeks, however these expert pilots will be taken to task here in Vientiane as they prepare to fight tooth and nail to be renown as the best.

A recent bulletin from Gatekeepers command reads as follows:

“In the days leading to the MRBC (Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission) tournament we have been forced to make some unfortunate cuts in order to comply with league rules. However, we anticipate the rules of tournaments will change to field larger teams.”

Certification Program Hits Full-Swing For Gatekeepers Battalion

MONDAY, APRIL 20th, 3050 -- In order to better cut down on long briefings while working to improve and standardize their tactics, command procedures, and disciplinesthe Gatekeepers have implemented a new way to certify their knowledge of the Gatekeepers. From recruits, to the Zhong-Shao, all warriors in the [HLG Battalion are required to submit to an officer with the certification needed for training. Said the Zhong-Shao of the necessity to seek out all available certification, “You will volunteer for certification, or be hunted down."

Gatekeepers #1 In Solidarity

APRIL, 3050 -- As the Liao Cháng-Chéng (Great Wall) our focus is to present a unified, indomitable barrier. A fortification on which the enemy will break themselves. Our tactics and Command Staff must be trained time and time again. The Command Tower wishes to remind all of our Gatekeepers online should be available for group drops in the Teamspeak server. Failure to communicate with Gatekeepers while online and actively in drops will result in warnings, and subsequent dismissal from the battalion.

In order to make the Gatekeepers a more competitive unit, solidarity must be achieved through dedication to battalion ‘Mechs. Perfection of their use, fine-tuning of personally preferred builds, mastering the battalion ‘Mechs’ skill trees, and becoming the perfect engine of war through use of modules. No more wasting time and resources on non-standard ‘Mechs! The dedication to this synergy, and what it gives us will serve the battalion. For the glory of the Celestial Throne.

Battle of Tukayyid to Commence Friday

FRIDAY, April 24th 3050 -- As the canister born Clan threat encroaches ever closer to Blessed Terra, it has come time to begin the ultimate battle for supremacy of the Inner Sphere. (At least until the map reset.) A “Trial of Refusal” with the Inner Sphere at stake, the three-day event the winner will have control of the planet, ahead of an EU ceasefire on Monday. Spanning a whopping 63 zones, the planet of Tukayyid will be fought over by the Clans and Inner Sphere with each vying over the three-day span to seize and hold a majority of the planetary zones. Good luck to all of the brave MechWarriors of the Inner Sphere. We’re all counting on you.

Edited by ArchangelKenko, 19 April 2015 - 09:49 PM.

#2 Kokobutta


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Posted 20 April 2015 - 11:34 AM

Great write up, Kenko!

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