For the longest time, it was thought that The Clans launched their attack to reach the Holy Relic of the Inner Sphere, Terra, and reestablish the Star League in the name of Nicholas Kerensky. This has been their publicly stated agenda since the beginning of the invasion. The Draconis Combine, however, have unearthed the secret agenda behind the invasion through a covert infiltration campaign. ISF agents were cleverly disguised wearing only loincloths and carrying clubs and rocks on their person, then jettisoned at high velocity onto occupied clan worlds, where the mighty, brainless warrior culture was none the wiser. Numerous ISF agents made the ultimate sacrifice (ha ha ha) in order to obtain the following data:
Behold The Demolitionmech, industrial mech utilized by the Inner Sphere and unmatched Banger of Rocks. The Clans, as jealous as they are fat and stupid, have launched an invasion into the Inner Sphere to obtain the blueprints to this machine to facilitate easier Banging of Rocks. This will provide their small, walnut-like brains with endless mirth and joy as they engage in their favorite pastime on a scale they could never before have imagined.
These ignoble, mouthbreathing simians must be stopped; left unchecked they will bang rocks until all the planets of the galaxy are but dust and scattered particles, leaving it in a state very closely resembling the average Clanner's brain. Ha ha ha.