Attack phases need to be thrown out entirely and go to a 24 hour clock and base victory off of a boxing round style of scoring taking a planet.
Most victories in a sector per hour gives the control to that faction tabulated at the end of the hour.
Ghost drops count as 0.25 of a victory.
Planetary victory is tabulated by which faction controls the most territories at the end of the hour based on victories in that hour. Each sector held counts as 1 point, most points wins the hour.
After 12 victories are calculated for the day, the planet switches control. After 17 victories, the planet changes hands and the algorithm moves.
Ceasefire takes place at noon Pacific time (PGI's home time) and lasts for 1 hour
Held planets start after the cease fire where they left off in control of a sector. (so if 15 sectors are controlled, the controlling faction starts the next day with the same amount of territories till the planet is taken) New planets start 100% in defenders hands.
What this does is take the direct influence out of single unit and battle control. The same way a single punch in boxing doesn't generally decide a fight through the 15 rounds.
It makes all hours valuable during the day because points are time based and a point at 2am is just as valuable as a point at 11am (if using the noon Ceasefire).
Victory cannot be reversed by spamming a planet with units in a blitzkreig in the last 2 hours by ghost drop, moderating the flow of battle to be spread out and more accomodating for player's lifestyle and preventing an overwhelm by a larger population faction.
It slows down the pace of war so instead of a thrice daily change cycles it is a once daily cycle and condusive to a weekly pattern to help prevent burnout. It also gives players a feeling of scale in taking a world.
A daily and weekly pattern is more in tune with real life for players who are not able to play this game 24/7 and contribute far more effectively.
It eliminates dead phases completely.
Smaller planets can have fewer attack sectors and this won't speed up or slow down the rate of capture. It will only intensify the fighting on that world with the easier ability to get contests.
I've proposed this before, and really wish that PGI would consider it.
Edited by Kjudoon, 11 March 2015 - 08:33 AM.