I agree that planets flip way too quickly the way CW is set of now. I think that plaents should take days, maybe even a week or two to frully flip. With varying states of being secured, controlled, and contested to convey what stade the invasion is at. I'm fully on board with what you're trying to do.
Which is why I disagree with it, very strongly. Your proposed solution not only fails to get too the heart of the problem. Not only that but it also makes the very issue you're trying to solve much, much worse then it already is, especially for factions with multiple fronts such as the FRR.
If you're the attacker and you win a match on attack your mechs get locked to that planet for a week (and you freaking better have meant an arbatrairy in-game increment representing a week instead of an RL one because holy **** **** that) then if a planet you control comes under attack you cannot shift your forces to defend it. Even if you have loads of mechs you'll only get to redeploy your forces for so long before you've locked yourself out of any of your mechs because they need to stand around and bully some peasents or something. Meanwhile the "loosing" team's faction can just counter-attack/ghost counter-attack for however many ticks it takes to get the planet back with no penalty at all.
You've managed to devise a system where attacking ties up so much of one factions collective recources for so long that it's crazy to be the side who throws the first punch in a given attack phase. How does a system that so heavily favors the defender work out if one side, especially one facing multiple attackers, can only barely scrape enough attackers together to take one planet if it means their sure to loose several more? Their not going to bother with attack that's what, their only going to bother trying to hold on to what planets they have left, but if things go poorly for them just once then the downward spiral starts. If they try to take a planet out of enemy hands then they know they'll see their boarders shrink that much faster.
The idea that there could/should be some mechanic to represent planetairy resistance is a grand one, but the idea you present has such fundamental problems that anyting resembleing it would be superlatively unplayable. The FRR is already surrounded and outnumbered, please to not say they should be penalized for fighting back in an attempt to "fix" the invaders.
Hyper99, on 12 March 2015 - 08:19 AM, said:
Clearly my idea has offended you and I aplogize for that. I personally do not care what happens to a faction. I am wary of CW becoming a blunder by which factions disappear before the 3rd inning. For a seriously competitive player this is of course going to make a lot of people upset - limitations always do. Trust me I don't even have half a decent drop deck this would have serious adverse effects on my ability in CW. I'm more concerned, no, convinced that CW is at a major hurdle in terms of balance.
Are you suggesting that he's "upset" because he pointed out that your idea would horribly hamstring anyone who actually wanted to see their faction expand? Or that he hates your idea because he's a "competative player" and "competative players" hate the idea of having their favorite OP cheesebuild toy taken away? Because OP builds and unbalcenced gameplay and have not the dammdest thing to do with what you're proposing. This is not a discussion about how one mech, weapon or build is over or underpowered or how this or that favors them or us. This is about something that determines how each and every player experiences community warfare. Please do not dismiss his assesment because he's "a tryhard" who only cares about winning and can't understand how the typical, everyday player dosn't live his life around a W/L ratio.