When did boosts become Pay2Win?
Posted 01 July 2012 - 09:53 AM

Posted 01 July 2012 - 09:56 AM
no1madcow, on 01 July 2012 - 09:51 AM, said:
mate it is Free to play .....
you can choose to pey you dont have to
Posted 01 July 2012 - 09:56 AM
no1madcow, on 01 July 2012 - 09:51 AM, said:
But you don't HAVE to spend anything if you don't want to. It is free to play, you can spend real money but it is 100% optional. They have to pay for the devs and the servers and bandwidth somehow. Remember you don't have to pay $60 up front to get the game. When it is released you just go to the site and DL it for free.
I for one am supporting them because they seem (fingers crossed) like stand up guys that are not trying to pass off a pay to win game ( WOT, APB reloaded) as free to play.
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:04 AM
Cid, on 30 June 2012 - 09:02 PM, said:
f2p should actually really be f2p, there will be more then enough money in it for the company

Thank you for posting that again, Cid. I really like that video as it addresses the very fine line of P2W and boosters. I see boosters as a really cheesy way for developers to charge players for something that nobody can TRULY agree on, with regards to it's P2W validity.
I think boosters are going to see the most use from players that are also buying other content. So, in effect, boosters being for players that do not play as much is a farce. Boosters are for the players that simply MUST get everything unlocked NOW.
MWO has already shown signs that they are ready to break out into a P2W formula...The founders package is a great example. They created another tier that is outrageously priced, just to test what people are willing to dump money into, and the results speak for themselves.
I am not condemning PGI for this, just simply pointing out the fact that there are a GREAT deal of players who do not care about things in the game being P2W, and therefore, PGI will go ahead and cater to that. I would bet my next paycheck that if they introduce a new weapon that is only available through cash purchase, AND it has a 5% damage bonus, players would jump on it, like moths to a porchlight.
Stray Ion, on 30 June 2012 - 09:24 PM, said:
What do you think the devs are going to say in the beginning?
"And yes, we will indeed be supporting a fully pay to win platform, as our media statement has outlined"
How good of a jump start would that have gotten them?
No, my guess is that, since hype is reaching a fever pitch, PGI will take full advantage. When the clans are introduced, sufficient time will have gone by. People will have stopped arguing about P2W and just started playing the game. Then, new tech will come out, but this time, because this is the illustrious MW franchise and because there is a playerbase that accepts and approves of the P2W, (don't fool yourself, there are more players that are FOR P2W than one might think), PGI will have no issues with charging "premium fees" for "premium content". Don't believe me? Think me a heretic? Fine, but just have a look at what has already happened...PGI kicked sand in the face of so many loyalists by charging for beta access. This is an unprecedented move toward precisely what the devs have been trying to make you believe they are not going to do.
Risky, on 30 June 2012 - 05:59 PM, said:
Not making fun of poor people, but it is kind of true.
You, more than most, are in dire need of a good kick to the groin.
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:07 AM
no1madcow, on 01 July 2012 - 09:40 AM, said:
The most funny part is that the paying customers will hapily pay for your free game.
Its a win, win situation.
You should be glad that people suport the game and make it viable for everibody to enjoy.
Cbills or XP boosters, skins, hangar slots, or real money conversion to cbills wont make the game pay to win, it just gives the chance to paying customers to get stuff faster on the time they have available to play the game.
Free players will have the same gameplay experience but will progress slower, take more time to colect new mechs, take more time to upgrade and customise their stuff, but ingame they get the same gameplay experience the paying gamers have.
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:10 AM
Red Beard, on 01 July 2012 - 10:04 AM, said:
No, my guess is that, since hype is reaching a fever pitch, PGI will take full advantage. When the clans are introduced, sufficient time will have gone by. People will have stopped arguing about P2W and just started playing the game. Then, new tech will come out, but this time, because this is the illustrious MW franchise and because there is a playerbase that accepts and approves of the P2W, (don't fool yourself, there are more players that are FOR P2W than one might think), PGI will have no issues with charging "premium fees" for "premium content". Don't believe me? Think me a heretic? Fine, but just have a look at what has already happened...PGI kicked sand in the face of so many loyalists by charging for beta access. This is an unprecedented move toward precisely what the devs have been trying to make you believe they are not going to do.
I can only see that happening if people don't spend enough money to support the game. The HAVE to pay for it, that's a fact we cannot escape, and if no one pays anything at all they will have to change the business model so that it offers things people WILL pay for. If we all support it, and don't just mooch off them then I don't see any Pay To Win stuff in the future. It's up to us really, we can support them and keep it balanced or leach off their good will and turn it into Pay To Win.
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:10 AM
I won't bother you with anymore comments as I have said all I have to say about this matter.
Good Luck Mechwarrior Online, you're going to need it.
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:11 AM
What I believe they scream and hollar over is the fact that you may have some people who shuck out the $120 for "Legendary Founder" and simply shut the outside world out for the 3 months that their boost is available and being able to stockpile a bunch of equipment. Similarly to other F2P games I've had the chance to play, I've seen people do it and I've done it to some extent myself. It is not nessisarily P2W, it is more P2GA (Pay to "Get Ahead"). Not knowing all the details and what will be available for purchase with hard currency I can not say it is P2W, it is simply an economic boost system on a F2P platform.
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:18 AM
no1madcow, on 01 July 2012 - 10:10 AM, said:
I won't bother you with anymore comments as I have said all I have to say about this matter.
Good Luck Mechwarrior Online, you're going to need it.
Thank you for your thoughts on the matter; even if they are unsubstantiated.
The MechWarrior Online community has something that a lot of game communities don't; cohesiveness. From the Devs to the players and in between players themselves. There are a couple of players who may not get along with each other but, despite their personal differences, they share a love of a common game and background storyline. That alone should be enough to ensure the continuance of the franchise. Add good graphics and mech stomping goodness? Recipe for success!
Hopefully you will come back in those 6-7 months and say "Damn, I wish I had gotten in on the ground floor when I had a chance".
Good luck in whatever game you decide to play!
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:19 AM
oh wait
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:21 AM
Pay for beta? I can see how you could view the founders package as such. But also alot of games and not just F2P games have started going this route. Paid beta is no more pay to win than pre-order goodies in premium games are. Look at it as a kind of pre-order we have spent money before the game is out so we get some goodies.
I have played alof of F2P games and almost all of them offer boosts and many of them are far from P2W.
I have faith we are not getting jerked around.
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:23 AM
no1madcow, on 01 July 2012 - 09:51 AM, said:
You CAN play for free quit trolling or go try any of the "free to play" games out there
But yeah it would be great if all the governments of the world got together to give gaming companies the way to make free games but they dont
Edited by 514yer, 01 July 2012 - 10:25 AM.
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:27 AM
EDIT: at the same time the devs normally are trying to balance games so they wont end up p2w as that will result in alot of people leaving games, when looking at WoT they removed the Chinie's tank due to WAY to many people buying it as an result they saw people did it for a p2w and they stopped that from happening
Edited by Syrusbrian, 01 July 2012 - 10:33 AM.
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:33 AM
Is this P2W, nah and as so many others have said ... I have yet to see anything in the stuff we can see that give and out right playing advantage, like being able to buy better weapons first might be but a weapon is only as good as the person behind it since you need to hit the target to hurt it and even using a lesser weapon can be even more effective then the better weapon in the right hands of yer a good shot and know the weak points of a mech, like say a direct hit on the cockpit? A hit like that is great and likely fetal with any weapon since I don't know of any mech that can run to well with out a pilot behind it's controls.
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:45 AM
Daeso, on 01 July 2012 - 10:24 AM, said:
Reminds me of an OP the other day that said "not trying to be elitist" then proceeded to BE elitist in like every post afterward lol
Syrusbrian, on 01 July 2012 - 10:27 AM, said:
Hell Im doing precisely this. I have allocated $800 to a new system that I will be saving up for for the next 49 weeks to buy a new computer. Ill be suffering sub par performance till then because thats what I can afford.
Essentially, I have $80 per week after bills that I have to use to buy gas and food for the week. I drive an hour each way to work (the benefits outweigh the cost lol) so most of that goes into gas and I figure I can afford to lose weight anyways so if I eat less in those weeks Ill have a double benefit.
Edited by 514yer, 01 July 2012 - 10:49 AM.
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:47 AM
Gorith, on 01 July 2012 - 10:21 AM, said:
I agree, and I do not think that any of the players that bought those items are getting anything that they should not. I think of it more like PGI testing the outside edges of what they will be able to get away with. If that many people are willing to blindly dump cash into a game that they have not played, or even seen in action (save for the select few videos that PGI has hand fed us), how far are those same people willing to go? I constantly remind myself that this game is a totally different F2P game in one single sense. It is Mechwarrior. No other F2P games that are out there right now are based on such a large game franchise. This game is ripe for milking, and I have every belief that PGI will get theirs out of it. I also believe that this game is being controlled by the grip of bean counters and not by MW enthusiasts, therefore, I take any and all statements by the devs with a grain of salt.
As long as you have "bought in", then you are right. Why should you get your name in the credits just for shoveling out 120 bones? What about the people that have followed the game with intense loyalty, from the moment it was announced as MW reboot? What about all the people that have stayed connected to every move that PGI has made, telling friends, watching videos, talking the game up, and doing everything that a fan can do to push the game? I will tell you what happens. We get to sit by and watch Johnny, the 17 year old basement dweller borrow his mommies check card and buy the legendary package right after finding the website and registering his pilot name, "I PWN BOTS ". I have a family and real life concerns that require real life money. PGI told all of the others just like me to **** off and go to hell. All the time and energy that we put into their game as fans now have zero relevance, and, not only that, but this move is, to me, a very obvious indicator as to the direction the IGP wants this game to take. Clearly, this game will evolve into a pay to win formula, and the tragedy is that most of the loyalist players that claim they are against this game going that way, are actually going to be the ones that accept it and even perpetuate it. The pay to win formula caters to elitists, and that is what this game is centered around. Elitism.
Posted 01 July 2012 - 10:47 AM
That said MWO is basically on the borderline of what I'll accept. It still bothers me, because in the end a c-bill/exp boost IS an advantage, just not an in-game one. It's nice that they want to ensure that a free player can have the same parts and abilities as someone who dropped $500 into the game, and from a common sense standpoint it's reasonable. People who spend that kind of money on games most likely have less free time than those who don't. However I don't think that this model is admirable, rather I think a F2P model like this or TF2 should be the BARE MINIMUM that all future games like this stick to.
Yeah I spent 60 bucks on the game, because that's what I would have paid if this was a normal retail game. I think it's great that so many people have stepped forward to support the company by buying Legendary. I still feel uneasy about those who did it because they wanted to have an advantage, even a slight one, over those who didn't. And I most definitely DON'T think it's great seeing those same people going around saying things like 'you are only complaining about it because you can't afford it' which has been present in this very thread.
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