StandingCow, on 01 July 2012 - 12:53 PM, said:
Pay to win is when you can buy, with real money, an item that is better than anything else that cannot be acquired in game through normal means (without the use of real money).
Being able to buy a powerful weapon ahead of time, that is also able to be gotten through normal means is not pay to win.
XP boosts are not pay to win as it does not directly affect your effectiveness in battle.
I find it distasteful how the commodity of time is considered inconsequential. If one person can buy a booster and acquire a more powerful weapon in, say, one week's time, so many of us are willing to be "ok" with the concept that, the player who does not buy a booster can.."still get that weapon with ingame cash, but it will take more time". That is simply an excuse to not consider boosters p2w. Kind of the booster's "I am not a pay to win element" get out of jail free card.
Time is an essential element, and in real life, it makes all the difference. If one player can obtain a high level weapon faster, because they paid real cash to boost, that is most assuredly a tactical advantage. But only if you place any value on your time.
And...lets be realistic here. In the F2P, P2W argument, the pro-boosters folks like to tell you that boosters are there for those that have less time to play and grind. I know better. Boosters are going to see more use from the players that have all the time. In reality, boosters have the potential to widen the gap between player bases.