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Just Scratch This Mode....

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#41 Silra


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:44 AM

View PostHelsbane, on 13 March 2015 - 03:02 PM, said:

So, instead of joining a unit, which is exactly the solution you offered up in the OP, you choose to ***** about a perceived shortcoming of the mode instead? Really? This is now, and always has been, a team based game. The mode isn't broken, but your perceptions could use a little tweaking.

There is a reason games are moving more and more into being less 'hardcore' and making their content more accessible to wider array of players, see for example World of Warcraft's raid finder. The thing, limiting content away from players makes you lose players, not gain them.

#42 Grynos


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 09:09 AM

For the OP,

First, CW is currently in Beta. While it has stagnated a bit with the amount of features they plan on bringing into CW, it is still a Beta product that does not have all the features that PGI wants to include, which take time to do.

Second, it takes roughly four or five CW matches to get to the first mech bay even if you get stomped every game . So whining about mech bays is pointless, because there are other ways to get mech bays.

Finally, while most of us can agree that there are issues with CW ( some minor, some major ) PGI is not preventing anyone from playing it. There is nothing to prevent a solo player from participating in CW unlike other games.

#43 Tool Box


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 10:41 AM

All I have been able to discern from this is that people think pubbies suck... YupPosted Image

#44 Triordinant


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 12:06 PM

View PostJakob Knight, on 17 March 2015 - 02:28 AM, said:

There's a difference between wanting more players in it because they rise to the challenge level and wanting more players in it because they dumbed it down more.

You will -always- have far fewer people in the part of the game intended to be the 'hard-mode RP' part, as the majority of players simply aren't at that skill level at any one time or prefer easier games. That is the fact of making a mode that tests players hard. That doesn't mean you lower standards in order to say it is better. It means you accept that the number of player who -do- meet the requirements for skill, teamwork, tactical ability, leadership, and mental determination to succeed in that standard are going to be a fraction of those who play the game in other ways.

So, no. The Devs don't need to change CW in order to get more people who don't have the abilities to succeed in it to be part of it. The players who don't have the skills needed to succeed need to step up and gain what they don't have to meet the challenge when they enter CW, or stay in the part of the game which is built for those who need or prefer a less-challenging game environment.

CW is not for everyone.

Don't get me wrong. I do NOT want PGI to make it easier to take on CW. In fact I'd prefer they only allow players who've played at least 100 matches into it so newbies don't wander in there by mistake. If MWO were a zoo, then CW is doing a bang-up job of being a separate cage for predatory animals where they can prey on each other rather than on everyone else. Let's keep it that way.

Edited by Triordinant, 17 March 2015 - 12:13 PM.

#45 wanderer


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 12:09 PM

The problem is that CW has it's "group" (12v12) queue but not it's "solo" (4v4) one yet.

People who know better drop out of an CW queue the second it hits 5+ soloers. At that point, you're going full PUG into a group-queue system, and that's just begging to be farmed like the disorganized jumble you are.

#46 Rahul Roy


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 02:18 PM

View PostTriordinant, on 17 March 2015 - 12:06 PM, said:

Don't get me wrong. I do NOT want PGI to make it easier to take on CW. In fact I'd prefer they only allow players who've played at least 100 matches into it so newbies don't wander in there by mistake. If MWO were a zoo, then CW is doing a bang-up job of being a separate cage for predatory animals where they can prey on each other rather than on everyone else. Let's keep it that way.

There should be a setting you have to enable for CW call to arms. Similar to how there is a checkbox for VOIP and for All chat.

By default it should be set to off.

#47 Mystere


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 07:20 PM

View PostSilra, on 17 March 2015 - 08:44 AM, said:

There is a reason games are moving more and more into being less 'hardcore' ...

Yes, it's called "catering to the least common denominator" or also called "dumbing down the game" for the benefit of life-long collectors of participation trophies. :ph34r:

#48 S204STi


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 10:14 PM

PGI isn't arm twisting people into playing CW. It's in beta, and as much as it needs improvement it also offers a fun way to add depth to the gameplay beyond public queues.

#49 Apnu


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Posted 18 March 2015 - 12:45 PM

I've always said that CW and Pub Queues need to merge. Every game played should matter, in some way, to the Inner Sphere map. Let us have PUG games on CW planets that is simple Assault, Skirmish and/or Conquest. Let those games affect the shards on the planets in some way. Leave Invasion/Counter Attack and future modes up to organized team play.

Then everybody's happy.

I know PGI wants to bring in 4v4 and dangles 8v8 out there, but really, why do all that extra work right now? The path of least resistance is to bring the established public game modes and maps into CW. Its a band-aid fix, but it will probably hold for and give PGI breathing room to develop deeper and wider CW elements.

Wouldn't it be cool if as planets are attacked successfully by Invasion mode they open up for pub. queue play? Wouldn't it also be cool that after a planet has been won a enough times by a faction that it opens up for counter attack?

For example, say Planet A is attacked by clans and "won" in Invasion. That planet is open for Pub. queue play. And say IS players win enough games on that planet that is opens up for attack by the IS faction. And say that IS faction manages to "win" the Invasion mode such that they take it back. That's a great way for organized teams and PUGs to work together to shape the IS map.

As it is now, we have a sharp wall between Pub. Queue and CW, and the community has collected into camps for each game mode and trolls the other about it. Its really not healthy for the game we all love and want to play.

#50 wanderer


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Posted 18 March 2015 - 01:24 PM


I've always said that CW and Pub Queues need to merge.

It'd be the glory days of pugstomping, returned. Because CW can't split solo/group for 12-mans, or else people could take worlds and ignore organized forces simply by syncdropping in swarms of solos, leaving actual groups to rot.

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