LordBraxton, on 15 March 2015 - 06:13 AM, said:
I was excited for the hopper and not the zeus, and clearly those desires just inverted. I had high hopes for the hopper so this is just depressing. PGI has the most ridiculous cost vs quality control ratio I have ever seen, yet I still pony up to the only crack dealer in town. Maybe we customers are the true incompetents here, funding a dev team that doesn't even check scaling as they model their mechs.
it only looks skinny because it is one of the tallest mechs. It is still as wide across as the zeus. 70ton shadowhawk this mech is not. (unless 50% of the side torsos count as arms, which I doubt will happen) and even if the mech is competitive, I want it to LOOK correct, not like a freak.
The true fans need to close their wallots to let pgi know that they wont keep profiting form their incompetence for much longer. If you guys want mechwarrior to mean something if it really matters to you, then stop supporting this version until they fix it.
Bishop Steiner, on 15 March 2015 - 10:09 AM, said:
If the hitboxes are close to this, it should be survivable, though I think I discerned where the second energy hardpoints are in the torso...and is fo, they suck, lol.
better than the nothing we will have if PGI tanks. Didn't see too many studios running to snap it up after MW4.
Then let it tank, someone down the line is likely to pick it up, perhaps they will do a better job...well just about anyone else can manage to do slightly better at least, pgi should never have been given the franchise. All they did was poop on it at least comparing it with lets say mechwarrior 3.
I rather someone else be given a chance because these guys just dont get it.