In the last thread, I asked the question of what makes the Nova so disrespected. I requested players of all types to give a clear summary of what they liked about it, and what they disliked about it. I posted a video to firewall scrubs and trolls and the thread was very constructive.
The majority opinion seemed to be that the mech is fragile. Of course it is! xD
The obvious question on the surface at that point is, "what can be done to improve the Nova in comparison to ClamTrin / potential unforeseen powercreep [w3 & beyond], and also compared similar mechs/louadouts just in general".
And it's a great question, one that we all generally agreed could be approached critically (scaling) or derpily (quirks). Lets just assume it's the latter and say it's possible that it could see, among others or whatever... Acceleration, Structure, Armor, something like that (the cool idea was one dude sayin why not each variant has one of those above diff etc). I think, going by the general consensus, that's most people would see a visible direct buff that might incentivize them to play the mech or consider it from a more serious/critical viewpoint.
But the deeper question I found myself wondering, is how are people approaching the Nova in terms of playstyle, tactics/strategy, and positioning? Is it a rare playstyle? Is that why it is underrepresented? Is it just not fun throwing a bunch of lasers? *glances at Crow* apparently not, so... whats the dilly forilly? How can people get over this feel of fragility???
External Link to youtube, watch in HD like a pro son WOOO -
Now lemme take a roundabout way to where I'm goin with all this, try and follow please. I know it's hard, like an old grandmother shopping for Groceries, but still.
For a long time I've had people ask me if I stream or show more longplay clips that give a bit more insight into things, and I never thought much of it back in the day. Sniper poptart meta is sniper poptart meta, it's heavy on twitch and situational awareness, but it's completely empty when it comes to tactics and strategy for the most part. Alone, in groups, far away, up close, a snipertart just does work. Fairly simple.
Well, flash forward to now and I've found myself really enjoying the Nova. It's fairly unique - I have to poptart and given the current situation, it's the only one that can get up high and bring actual damage. So I felt comfortable with that from the start. I never played mediums back in the day more than like a dozen in a Sway. There's all these new maps and I'm dealing with new weps mechs everything. It's been an arduous process to shake off a lot of rust (I left at the top of the top and Elo doesn't decay apparently) and there's still layers left (group). What I'm getting at is, for several weeks I was playing the Nova and feeling uncomfortable about having to take certain risks, trying to understand how to brawl, how to close range, how to aim a new weapon, sniffing enemy movement through seismic, creating flanks for myself and only myself (others just ****** blow ur cover in solo), etc. All of these things that add up to what is the most important thing of all - comfort with a mech. And no comfort's not mastery, I have 500 rounds in a Nova and about 4500 in 3D back then. Not same thing.
What I'm talking about is comfort. Understanding. Learning to truly adapt to a different mech takes time, especially one that is not well understood, respected, or considered worth the time. I think it is always a learning process, and people should be looking to improve upon one thing about a mech they are truly working hard on each play session. A new flank spot, a new play against a certain loadout, a new firing combo, everything. Everything.
At the end of the day people are going to be most comfortable or most successful at different things, and that's how it should be. But I refuse to believe all the guys I used to see back in the day that could sling a ML pack at your chest and core you out pretty quickly just stopped playing those mechs entirely or some bull-**** like that. I know some of you are out there and you need to give this mech a look again, especially with Clamengines getting nerfed but the Nova getting buffed soon. And aren't they talking about a 4 v 4 CW mode coming soon?

Nova is life. Nova is love. Nova - Just Do It. Call JG-Novaworth, 877 cbills now.
If you want to show me some of your own secrets, be my guest. Post your best scoreboards. Throw up a smurfy or if you're hashing a build out lets work on it. Give me more anecdotal opinions. Post more concerns and ideas for quirks. Most of all, someone please dominate me in game with a Timber Wolf so I can finally saddle up on the big elephant that's been in my room since I started playing this game again. If anyone has anymore ideas about the Nova, how it'll deal with incoming powercreep, quirks, builds, whatever, I implore you to plox drop it in hurrrr.
Thanks for reading this huge wall of text, if you did, I'm sure you're the type of weirdo who will enjoy a 70 min video of MWO solo win with a weird album that I made playing through it the entire time while PEEFsmash leaves his mic on and yells at random people playing Smite on a different TS over all of it.
TLDR: We should all celebrate underused mechs and raise them up to what they are worthy of being, something to enjoy smashing other mechs in the face with.
Edited by Soy, 16 March 2015 - 01:07 PM.