After salvaging some Clan ‘Mechs during our first contract with The FRR, we tested out our refurbished Clan ‘Mechs for a week under Clan Jade Falcon in order to minimize any conflicts of interest with the allies we have made within The FRR. Unfortunately, we did encounter some solo FRR MechWarriors who ended up as collateral damage in our CJF invasion into Steiner space. Clearly, they haven’t received the message to focus on FRR interests first and foremost!
As of January 1st, [QQ] Mercs is back with The FRR for at least 2 weeks and we have encouraged several other units to consider coming to The FRR because your House needs help in fighting back the Clans. In order to entice more merc units to consider contracting with The FRR, I proposed a plan to relocate previously FRR-contracted mercenary units to other parts of the Inner Sphere in order to get The FRR to open up their coffers for higher valued contracts. Now that has happened, you will notice that merc drop ships have been jumping into FRR space in droves as I had planned. We Mercs love a good fight, but we also love C-Bills. Now we have both… it doesn't get any better than this!
I realize that there have been a loss of planets to the Ghost Bear and Wolf clans due to this plan, but I assure you that [QQ] Mercs’ primary aim is to help reclaim these lost worlds and then some... a vision shared by my fellow merc units. I implore all of you to avoid the same mistake that the Steiners are making with Clan Jade Falcon by only taking a defensive stance. Focus instead on taking an aggressive stance and ATTACK the Ghost Bear and Wolf planets. Leave the defending of these worlds to the organized FRR House and mercenary units who have strong defensive tactics and coordination and more likely to have successful defenses and counter-attacks of FRR planets.
Some of you may say “Why should I heed the suggestions of a merc unit?”. This is a perfectly valid question. Please indulge me for a few more moments, while I explain our intentions.
Firstly, by no means does [QQ] Mercs intend to super-cede the authority of FRR Council Leaders. Our intention is to complement the coordination effort by bridging communications between the EU/NA/AUS merc units we are familiar with during our time here in the hopes that those lines of communications are well-established should we take temporary contracts elsewhere.
Unlike most merc units, what sets us apart is that you will find [QQ] Mercs is highly engaged in positive diplomacy and the efficient coordination of FRR attacks and defenses with other merc units and FRR loyalist units. Our experience during our first FRR contract was that there were a lot of smaller and mid-sized units that were not necessarily coordinating the right efforts with each other. This started to slowly change after the first week of losing planets to Clan Ghost Bear. During that time, we have built up diplomatic relations with several House units and loyalists and are committed to expanding our rapport with even more units and solo MechWarriors roaming space in search of Clanners to defeat.
We at [QQ] Mercs desire to make an impact on The FRR conflict against the Clans and so we are opening up all lines of communication with any interested FRR units and mercenary unit sub-contractors. Should you find yourself riding alongside a group of [QQ] Mercs, feel free to join our TeamSpeak server at TS.QQMERCS.COM (no password required). Feel free to send your diplomatic emissaries to communicate with us via TeamSpeak or they can PM me via MWO Forums. Alternatively, you can also post within the [QQ] Mercs Diplomacy Forum.
We look forward to fighting alongside our brave FRR brethren and taking back what is rightfully The FRR's territories!
Edited by Karpundir, 02 January 2015 - 01:38 AM.