Title: Boreal Vault - Map Bug Exploit Causes Invulnerability
Description: On the attacker side of the Alpha gate is a location that makes attacker invulnerable, while allowing them to fire on the defenders.
Location: Outside Alpha gate on the far side of the saddle hill. (from defender point of view)
Reproduction Rate: 100%
Steps to Reproduce: Stand on the side of the hill beside a small bump and the defenders cannot shoot you.
I have made enough maps to understand that this is caused by a height map with a couple pixels that are rendered without enough smoothing to the surrounding pixels. In effect there is an invisible wall narrow enough for a Timberwolf to shoot around it while its torso is invulnerable.
This exploit was used last night in match 486435640750539891 by the clan attackers.. although it was so obvious that it outraged everyone. The clan attack failed.
Defenders can use artillery strikes until this is resolved.
Boreal Vault - Map Bug Exploit Causes Invulnerability
Started by Surn, Mar 17 2015 04:28 PM
Bug Report
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