Planets should have a strategic value (allowing certain attack lanes, improved logistics, heck even just loyalty point bonuses) with variations on the ceasefire (so each planet has a unique timer of say 12 hours, 16 hours, 3 days, 1 week, 2 hours) and allowing some kind of proper bidding system for planet conquest.
I.e. Each warrior and above associated with either a clan or faction (not merc, as they have to take contracts that are opened up though bids placed) should get say 5 points to vote towards attack lanes( pgi would determine say 3, 5 or 10 possible planets to attack) for that given faction, votes must be cast within a 6 hour window on either the UI or in the Web page. PGI collate the numbers and open up the planets with the most votes (these planets are listed as possible attack lanes for each faction)
this then determines the attack and defence planets.
This way if the clans had an operating cease fire agreement it could only be broken if enough members of any given clan voted to do this, hence no merc units throwing in curve balls.
This then allows clans/factions the opportunity to focus their efforts, with merc units being free to move around the map throwing their weight in depending on how that unit has faction/clan switched.
Cw Planet Choice
Started by Bulvar Jorgensson, Mar 25 2015 01:24 AM
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