Personally, I think a pilot skill tree should be focused on the PILOT. right now, its focused on the mechs.
Since battletech is as much a roleplaying game as a tabletop minis game, why not introduce that roleplaying element, at least in the creation of character builds..
Why should we not be able to specialize in a certain weight class, or a certain mech? Or even a mech variant? Or a certain weapon?
That's how heroes are made.. they are good at many things, but masters of that one thing that makes them the legends they are..
Can we get a feel of that?
If I know how to pilot a Timberwolf to make it go +10kph, why can't I do that on say, a very similar mech... the Mad dog? Or if I do it on an atlas, am I too dumb to do it on an equally slow rustbucket like the Mauler?
We should have a skill tree that's unique to us, to my player profile, not to a single mech variant..
But I get it..
That would not force me as a consumer to buy mechbays cose' I need 3 mechs to put an extra module in the one I actually pilot..
Here's a workaround for that.. You can still limit a player's progression through the skill tree with the number of variants owned.. Its only logical.. you know how to pilot assaults.. cose' you pilot lots of them.. So sure.. bill me for three of a kind.. but at least make me pick and choose what I'm good at.. not simply give me a set of upgrades that everyone else has too.

Pilot Skill Tree Mockup
Started by Impyrium, Mar 26 2015 06:40 AM
62 replies to this topic
Posted 05 April 2016 - 04:54 AM
Posted 11 April 2016 - 09:23 PM
The skill tree being properly done would be amazing.
Posted 13 April 2016 - 02:36 PM
I fully support this idea and the mockup, I think it would be a great improvement to the game. I realize it would make a lot of work, especially for balancing, but I think creating a different skill tree for each chassis is a great idea or, if possible, even each variant would be better.
I also liked the idea of making the quirks unlockable via the skill tree, but the only problem I see with that is they're constantly making passes at the quirk system which would make it unfair if someone put xp into purchasing a skill only to have it changed a while later.
I also liked the idea of making the quirks unlockable via the skill tree, but the only problem I see with that is they're constantly making passes at the quirk system which would make it unfair if someone put xp into purchasing a skill only to have it changed a while later.
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