Riffleman, on 01 July 2012 - 08:51 PM, said:
To those who know the lore, how did this work. How did the inner sphere manage to hold on? Did they outnumber the clans in general? The clans had huge advantages:
1. Suprise. Struck hard and fast before the inner sphere even knew of their existance.
2. suposedly superior troops. Bred to wage war, with superior genes.
3. Far more advanced technology. Everything that the clans had was superior to the inner sphere version, and had technologies lost to them.
So how exactly did they survive that first war?
The IS got devastated early on. The combination of the Clans superior training & tech with ComStar's media blackout of worlds to be invaded, allowed the juggernaut to roll on, decimating IS forces planet after planet. There were a few victories by the IS, most notably Twycross & Wolcott, but they were few & far between. Then on Octonber 31st, 3050, Free Rasalhague's Elected Prince Magnusson jumped into the Radstadt System where the Dire Wolf, flagship of Clan Wolf, was stationed. The ilKhan of the Clans Leo Showers was aboard to lead a Grand Kurultai. When the forces loyal to the Prince, realized the situation, they deployed fighters to give him time to escape. Tyra Miraborg, one of the pilots got her fighter shot up really badly while strafing & decided to go out in a blaze of glory. She flew her Shilone directly into the bridge of Dire Wolf, which killed the ilKhan.
According to Clan law, a new ilKhan had to be elected immediately as a matter of protocol since the Clans needed an ilKhan to coordinate the invasion. However, according to Clan law, a vote would need to be cast by all Bloodnamed warriors participating in the invasion. The length of time to fly back to Strana Mechty, hold a memorial for Leo Showers, elect a new IlKhan & return to the IS, took a year minus two days. This time period is called "The Year of Peace". At this time, the invasion was halted. The Clans were basically in a holding pattern. They secured their worlds with PGCs & warriors without Bloodnames, but they did not attempt to take any new worlds.
The IS used this time to rest, re-arm & resupply. It was during this time that the Wolf's Dragoons, the most elite mercenary unit in the IS, sent out invitations to the leaders of the various "Great Houses" of the Successor States. At this meeting, they revealed they were of Clan origin & offered to help the IS repel the Clans. They provided schematics for productions of new BattleMechs below Clan standards at the time but much more advanced than anything the IS were popping out of their factories. They also provided new tech & weapons for the IS to use as well as detailed insight & intelligence on Clan training procedures & tactics. During this meeting as well, the enmity between the Successor States was temporarily halted with unofficial armistices being agreed upon. (Not everybody did, but the majority) When the Clans returned, they were facing a better equipped, trained & almost united, IS. This did not stop the Clans from outdoing their IS counterparts, but the IS did a LOT better.
ComStar though aiding the Clans, were simply playing for time, trying to ascertain the Clans true intentions for returning to the IS. When they learned it was Terra (Earth), they decided to oppose the Clans, They issued a challenge to the new ilKhan, Ulric Kerensky of Clan Wolf, to fight a proxy battle for Terra. Terms were agreed upon & the battle was fought on Tukayyid. The detailed planning of A.Focht of ComStar with the brilliant defensive strategy & the Clans underestimating the IS forces on a few occasions, led to a ComStar victory by their (secret until that time) army, knows as the ComGuards.
Not sure if you need anything else.
Edited by Jaroth Winson, 03 July 2012 - 05:24 PM.