Satan n stuff, on 11 April 2015 - 02:09 AM, said:
I can never tell if my voice messages are coming through, sometimes my name just doesn't appear when I use it, or it only appears briefly. When I call out something important like a UAV people do seem to respond either way, but they might have just spotted it on their own.
Does anyone know what the conditions for unlocking that are? There's no achievement linked to it as far as I can tell.
I agree. The current VOIP quality is not very good due bandwidth restriction.
As for conditions:
Working out trying in touch. Perhaps it sometimes simple, on request, or it's a secret! I dont know, but trying to get some little bit more information.
Sandersson Jankins, on 11 April 2015 - 02:21 AM, said:
I think I've dropped with you in CW plenty. If memory serves, you ripped into the clanners from what I saw. I don't remember much else...tough when the lasers and bullets are flying around you!
And actually, you have made a fantastic suggestion. It would be very useful if that tag could be used- but also if they simply had VOIP disabled. It would save a lot of headaches of an over-zealous drop lead saying "HEY YOU *NAME* WHERE ARE YOU GOING WHY DONT YOU LISTEN REEEEEE" when they can, in fact, NOT hear them.
Hearing problems suck, man. I've got moderate tinnitus and vertigo which is nothing to even speak of normally- but sometimes I'll have to get people to repeat themselves over and over if it gets particularly bad. Sleeping's hard too, but when you have THE INTERNET and VIDEO really isn't for me

Thanks! I was a very active player, both in CB and OB. I still play at times, but not as much as i have used to. I still kill clanners, but only when the Atlas is properly supported. It's a teamplayer.
I am born too early that caused my hearing problems. With devices i can hear about 80% and without it i hear about 20%.
Moderate tinnitus? That's bad man, i feel ya. I got it sometimes in my left ear. But it could be ''stress' as well, sometimes it's just there, sometimes not. It's a high pitch tone sound. But there's a small light in the end of the tunnel. I don't know if you have heard about it but here it is:
Couldnt find a international article, but here is a translate:
Just a few days ago, but there's hope!
About sleeping: I hook up a small speaker under my pillow and listen to today's discussions, news, sports etc. Just to listen something else then the various 'ghost' sounds in my ears when i have both my hearing devices unplugged. Perhaps tha'ts a nice outcome for you too.
I will add ya to my friend list if you don't mind.
Edited by Sarlic, 11 April 2015 - 02:59 AM.