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What Should Mwo Become Down The Road?

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Poll: What direction should PGI take with MWO (149 member(s) have cast votes)

What direction should PGI take with MWO?

  1. Stay on course. (31 votes [20.81%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.81%

  2. Make a turn, go in the direction sugested. (118 votes [79.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 79.19%

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#81 Nori Silverrage


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Posted 22 September 2015 - 08:24 AM

View PostTheArisen, on 17 April 2015 - 06:53 PM, said:

I voted "make a turn". I'd just say they shouldn't copy & paste LL. They should just see what LL did well and incorporate into the game. For example, we need more Alpine sized maps, but done in a way so that they don't end up being one dimensional (victory hill).

Yeah this would be nice. I think the main issue is that all the game modes we have are winnable by killing all the enemy mechs.
It's a rare day that I see someone win conquest by caps. It happens, but is rarely the focus.

There is a few parts to this I think. One is that people like shooting. The game is about stompy mechs shooting stuff, so that can't be helped. But the issue is that everyone moves together or dies alone. I don't know exactely how conquest could be changed, but it needs to be made so that people will split up to groups of 4. On a map like Apline this is totally doable.

The new maps are beautiful and have a lot of places the fights could go, but it is always in the middle because when it comes down to it all the modes are about killing other mechs. The issue isn't the maps, its objectives and cbills. Objectives need to be worth a lot more. If a team wins conquest by resources they should get a enormous cbill bonus. The objectives should be very spread out too, not all this clustered within shooting distance crap.

#82 The Puggernaut 216


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Posted 22 September 2015 - 10:04 PM

People need to understand that the player base for MechWarrior anything is primarily people who have either played since Tabletop or the earliest MechWarrior games on PC. I'm talking die-hard fans of the series. I'm 29. A lot of people I play with are between the ages of 35-50. I very rarely see or hear anyone younger than myself.

To me, this whole debate over what fans what PGI to do with the game is like watching an aging man complain to a high school kid that in his day they used to use notepads and paper to take notes and not some newfangled tablet thingamabob that he can't figure out how to turn on. The world isn't going to turn back time and make notepads and pens the new thing again. They're not going to spend a ton of money to develop a trend that will only appeal to an aging generation. They're going to make a game that will keep the elders happy enough to keep playing and something that youngsters will maybe get into enough to feed their next game.

As far as making maps larger what exactly is making them larger accomplishing? I mean lets face it, even after making Forest Colony like 3 times larger than it was people still bee-line for the center to fight. There are options in that map now though but no one takes advantage of them yet. That's not PGI's fault, that's the players fault for being mindless drones.

The reason Forest Colony is as big as it is and not larger is because you shouldn't need 5 minutes travel time to come up with a plan and fight it out. Most fights don't last longer than 2 minutes anyway given the current state of weapons and core game mechanics so you don't want a map so big that it's going to take your flanking force 3 minutes to cover ground that doesn't need to be there to get to a fight that was over 2 minutes ago. Forest Colony is large enough and has enough flanking opportunities to make the teams have to keep watch on the sides and rear and it gives each team a proper amount of time to prepare before anything even happens. You literally can't see action in that map until at LEAST a minute into it and that's if you're piloting lights and you meet one of their lights.

That right there is perfect and I can't stress enough how much the CORE MECHANICS of the game go into the decisions they make and changing CORE MECHANICS is rather difficult when you're this far into a game.

I like the way they're taking it now and I'm getting a good vibe off of them wanting to add a skill tree in lieu of the existing system because it sucks and most people tend to understand skill trees better.

I want to see chassis get specific skill trees to make them viable. Commando's and Locusts are just not viable unless you want to wreck your PSR. I would love to see a revamp done of those chassis to make them stronger like making those chassis come stock with Information Warfare packages built into them without adding weight. I want to see scout mechs offer more to fights by having increased sensor ranges automatically or having seismic sensors that act like UAV's. That way if you can get a scout mech within 200 meters of an enemy formation they light up without having to see them. Maybe make spiders or locusts have faster capping built in. Make it so if a light mech like a commando that has BAP locks onto someone they give anyone firing on it a bonus to lock time or increased critical. Make them do what light and support mechs are supposed to do. SUPPORT.

#83 Greyhart


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Posted 23 September 2015 - 12:31 AM

The game is satisfying and fun.

But I think there is a need for a longer form of the game and the description of LL appears about right.

Keep the single player PuG queue and make CW very different along the lines of LL.

#84 Threat Doc


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Posted 23 September 2015 - 03:38 AM

View PostWilliamE216, on 22 September 2015 - 10:04 PM, said:

People need to understand that the player base for MechWarrior anything is primarily people who have either played since Tabletop or the earliest MechWarrior games on PC. I'm talking die-hard fans of the series. I'm 29. A lot of people I play with are between the ages of 35-50. I very rarely see or hear anyone younger than myself.
You and I are playing a VERY different game, then, though I have to admit I've heard fewer twitchers and seen fewer folks shooting at everything, including me, at the beginning of a match, since I returned to playing a couple of weeks ago.


As far as making maps larger what exactly is making them larger accomplishing? I mean lets face it, even after making Forest Colony like 3 times larger than it was people still bee-line for the center to fight. There are options in that map now though but no one takes advantage of them yet. That's not PGI's fault, that's the players fault for being mindless drones.
No, not really... there's an adjustment period players are really going to need for the updated maps and, hopefully, players will start to fan out, as opposed to going to center. However, tactically, finding a place to meet one another -the "center", whether it's the center of the map or not- is a natural outgrowth of tactical combat. Where that center is found on the map is determined by how smart groups play. Is there an actual center point on the map? Not for me.


The reason Forest Colony is as big as it is and not larger is because you shouldn't need 5 minutes travel time to come up with a plan and fight it out.
Since your PUGs don't have time before the game launches, and aren't a coordinated team, to figure out a plan, yes you actually should take that time. Someone should take command, present a plan, and then watch all of the n00bs go do their own thing, anyway. By the way, you could play this game for a whole decade, and still be a n00b, because, as a player, these people are too dumb to follow orders or take command and come up with their own. There ARE NO TOOLS for actually being able to take command in this game, and there is no concept of respect for a leader, even someone who just takes command, given to the "uniform" of that leader, even if no one knows them.


Most fights don't last longer than 2 minutes anyway given the current state of weapons and core game mechanics so you don't want a map so big that it's going to take your flanking force 3 minutes to cover ground that doesn't need to be there to get to a fight that was over 2 minutes ago. Forest Colony is large enough and has enough flanking opportunities to make the teams have to keep watch on the sides and rear and it gives each team a proper amount of time to prepare before anything even happens. You literally can't see action in that map until at LEAST a minute into it and that's if you're piloting lights and you meet one of their lights.
I'm hearing the lamentations of someone who couldn't care less about the game, and just wants to bash other 'Mechs. That's sad and wrong.

#85 Serpentbane


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Posted 19 January 2016 - 02:52 PM

Did a little update of the original first post ta make it more... updated.

#86 Hyzoran


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Posted 19 January 2016 - 07:10 PM

I was writing in a notepad document what I personally would do to tweak things if I were to theoretically have control to the game source, and here are some of the changes I thought on implementing (Excuse incoherence or other mistakes as this is unrefined):


- Provide more Dynamic base gameplay to allow for more varied and intense combat scenarios. With the positive side effect of increasing interest to spectators, allowing for enjoyment even after match defeat.
- Tweak Mech handling systems to allow for variety of player interaction with their machines, increasing skill caps, playstyles, and create more engaging experiences for both combat and movement.
- Give Real meaning to command warfare, teamwork, information warfare and roles.
- Less artificial and arbitary gameplay mechanics.
- Mechanics and value tweaks to increase the length of matches, combat, while maintaining an increased pace of gameplay to keep things interest, and without compromising the important of situational awareness, positioning,
or information warfare.
- Potential overhaul to CW (depends on the outcome of Phasse 3)

Loadout Profiles:
A useful feature that could be added to Mech selection is a loadout profile box, that can be selected before a match. This essentially serves as a 'snapshot' of your loadout,
so that you may quickly reconfigure your Mech in the case of desiring a re-fitting. If the required components are not included in your inventory, an upgrade status is changed, or other hindernace is encountered,
the game would simply prompt the user for confirmation before charging their accounts Cbills), or in the case of insufficient funds or other ineligibility, simply return an error status the issue.

A similar feature could be implemented for Camo Specs, prompting for charge in the case of unowned colors or patterns.

First off, the main issue is gamemodes and their interaction with maps.

The old-era maps for MWO are absolutely atrocious, as they revolve around small areas and funnel-warfare. Gameplay was and still is extremely stale on these maps. The old Forest Colony, River City, Crimson Strait, etc.
were particular bad. We should strive as hard as possible to avoid repeating these designs and avoiding this era of gameplay, because it was absolutely horrendous.

The new map overhauls, and new maps, particularly Caustic Valley and Polar Highlands, are a step in the right direction, with Forest Colony bordering on acceptable levels of funnel-warfare, though it is fine for
it to occur occasionally. Maps should be open with varying densities of cover, but in the end, should always feature some flow of movement and options, rather than prompting peak-and-shoot or
head-on brawling in every single scenario. No arena maps, please. (HPG Manifold, ew.)

The basic idea and currently implementation of Skirmish is mostly fine, however I have a few suggestions that can seriously improve this.

-Post-vote screen
After the map has been voted for and selected, players may choose from a loadout profile and camospec profile for their previously selected Mech, or reconfigure it themselves. Changes requiring purchases at this
stage may need to be prohibited at this stage to prevent potential technical issues during a time-sensitive situation. If a valid configuration is not confirmed by the user after a set time, lets say 20 seconds maybe,
then the configuration selected prior to joining a match should be used and the match is started. This simulates preparation for battle prior to deployment, and will users to actually select Camo patterns and loadouts that
accommodate that map being played.

-Pre-Match Screen/Ready screen
Players may assume lance and company command as usual, however, if every player is connected, only Company commanders are required to ready up, at which point the waiting time is instantly reduced to 10.
This prevents compound waiting times from previous screens or unnecessary waiting.
Additionally, during this time, Company Commanders may open up the battlegrid/map, quickview the list of Mechs on their team and respective loadouts, and re-arrange the starting position of Lances within a map-specified team deployment zone (akin to total war), as well as draw out
battleplans, such as objectives or movement routes for the respective lances. Lance Commanders may also choose the starting formation of points in a lance as well.

This allows actual battleplans to be formed rather than having the standard procedures of "Run towards the center and peak and shoot until match end", and prevents wasting the start of a match ordering players around.

Assault is a completely pointless and arbitrary gamemode that only serves to frustrate players by pre-maturely ending a match due to artificial gameplay adjectives.
Perhaps an alternative to this is for a variant of skirmish that involes support NPCs or locations that rearm or resupply mechs with ammunition and limited repairs (perhaps such as armour patching that restores up to a max of 20% of max armor).
However, a better idea is to replace assault with a variety of objective-based modes, preferably of dynamic nature, and multiple re-spawns (with penalties or setbacks for being destroyed, of course) so that
the game doesn't devolve into destroy the enemy team, like conquest and assault often do.

Conquest: Again, like Assault, is completely arbitrary and pointless. However, rather than outright removing this gamemode, it could be redesigned, perhaps in the style of MWLL Terrain Control.
Though this is
The map will be laid out with capture points in strategic locations. Each team starts with an FOB camp. Each point held by a team will generate match funds per team, and will be distributed equally among players.
These funds can be used to purchase once of that players owned mech variants and loadout/camo profiles availible to them. If a player has insufficient funds to purchase a Mech, they will have to use a trial build.
Additionally, Company Commanders and Lance Commanders may be reassigned at any time if a player relinquished control or leaves the match.
FOB and certain points on the map may feature respawning turrets, rearm points, or limited repair stations, repairing only damaged (not destroyed) equipment, and replenishing armor to a max of 20% of starting armor.
All players on a team may contribute to a team fund that can be used to order
NPC forces. Company Commanders may order NPC reinforcements and assign them objectives in real time, sort of like ArmA's high command module. NPC units do not respawn upon destruction and must be re-ordered by the
Company Commander. During the course of the game, each team receives 'support points' at a set rate, and caps at 100.
Lance and Company commanders may call in support operations at any time, with a team-wide cooldown for
airstrikes and artillery seperately. Airstrikes provide more accurate fire but can be shot down prior to strikes if detected by the enemy. Air units unleash their payload and then extract.
Each Air unit shot down during a strike will add a small amount to the airstrike cooldown. NPCs will only fire at them if a player on their team as targeted them. Artillery provide a wider
range of coverage and have a shorter response delay but are less accurate.

During the game, every minute and a half, dropships will drop pending NPC forces and/or respawning players (or if they have purchased a valid mech beforehand with match funds) at the team FOB.

The goal of the game is to capture points to increase team funds, and to capture and hold the enemy FOB.
Once the enemy FOB is captured, they will no longer receive reinforcements, and it is up to them to recapture it with existing deployed forces. If they fail to recapture the FOB after 3 minutes,
that team loses the match is ended. The game timelimit is 40 minutes, and if the time limit expires, the team holding more capture points wins the match (Unless one of the FOBs are captured,
in which case the capturing team instantly wins, bypassing FOB capture timeout)

Due to the increased length of this gametype, if a player disconnects and is gone for more than one minute, their current mech is destroyed the game will broadcast the void player slot to the match queues,
allowing new players to join in progress.

Community Warfare:
Rather than having just straight-up Attack&Defend, CW invasions could include Several gametypes, each playing during different stages and affecting factional influence to simulate different scenarios taking
place over the surface of a planet. For example, the initial invasion would consist of Attack&Defend, followed by a counterattack if the defending forces fail. If the counterattack fails, than battles will consist of
different field missions such as supply raids, conquest, and finally, skirmishes, as defending forces are mopped up.

General Mechanics:
-Double Armor: Armor is allocated in units of 2 for the same weight. This increases the length of engagements. This allows increased response time for neighbouring forces, allows the chance of withdrawal, and
allows more room for making mistakes, while still giving the edge to the first striker.
-Increased knocking: To counteract the effects of increased armor, increased knocking from ballistics, missiles, and PPCs will allow fire to disrupt enemy performance in battle, preventing a target from simply
ignoring fire while they whittle down a damaged ally or a mission objective. This also allows you to throw off the aim of someone out-gunning you by striking first. Additionally combined fire of a certain threshold may force torso-twist.
-+20% top speed(minimum clamp at +20kmph): This provides a more dynamic battlefield and increases aiming skill. The increased speed without increased manoeuvring or agility puts extra though into choosing your attack vectors.
-Slight aim rocking from sudden movement, collisions, landing, etc, adds a bit more feedback to the momentum of your mech as well increases damage distribution.
-Ramming, Damage = Mass * relativekmph / 1000 * chassis modifier. Minimum of (2000 / mass)relativekmph for ramming operation to occur. Mech with higher (Mass * relativekmph / 1000) receives 0.5x damage (As both mechs
take damage), damage applied to contacting components, with the following receive modifiers per component (Arms 0.5 damage, legs 0.5 damage, torsos 1.0 damage) upon successful ram both mechs have current velocity reduced
by 80% (To prevent recursive ramming). Serious knocking effects applied.

Heat Mechanics:
Remove Ghostheat. Instead, the higher a Mechs current heat% is, the lower its cooling efficiency AND heat is actively sinked even during weapons fire. (Sinking 50% faster at 0% compared to 100%) This puts emphasis on discipline and chain firing,
firing your weapons at opportune timings will increase your sustained DPS drastically. Group firing weapons will yield a higher heat%, thus sustained DPS drops drastically.

Weapon Mechanics:
-increased weapon ranges across the board (+20% range with a minimum of +100m) - Allows for higher engagement ranges, aiming skill, and damage distribution.
-Weapon recoil, All non-laser/MG weapons have slight recoil, takes effect instantly (E.g. firing two autocannons at the exact same time will send them flying in slightly different directions)
This will increase damage distribution from group firing weapons, as well as instantly obsolete ghost heat.

As well as several other ideas, basically this game needs more dynamic, open-ended, larger scale gameplay, more sim, more things to pay attention to, and less "arenaism".

Right now it all comes down to funnel gameplay and numbers, and a very limited selection of tactics (maximizing hit and minimizing receive, pinpoint damage, DPSs, etc.) and limited maneuvering.

Something needs to change.

#87 SockSlayer


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 03:05 PM

Really not too different from now, I think quirks should eventually be gone, but not without changes elsewhere.

-Flamers/MG really need more range if quirks removed.
-Could add certain pitch/yaw angle increasing modules to make up for the lack of those quirks, etc.
-New weapons please, preferably Inferno lrms, rocket launchers, clan plasma cannon, AGL ballistic weapons, long tom, arrow V missle, and other options that this game needs, so many mechs with the same weapons is starting to get boring, especially If you are IS
-Map voting is actually making it harder to get c-bills quickly, please remove.
-Hrothgar Dropship...where is it? Even on the forum background there are some.
-Allow selling of AMMO.
-Allow mech xp to be turned into c-bills, since mech xp is going skyhigh, but useless after upgrades done.

#88 Threat Doc


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:36 PM

View PostIndependence MK2, on 02 March 2016 - 03:05 PM, said:

Really not too different from now, I think quirks should eventually be gone, but not without changes elsewhere.

-Flamers/MG really need more range if quirks removed.
-Could add certain pitch/yaw angle increasing modules to make up for the lack of those quirks, etc.
-New weapons please, preferably Inferno lrms, rocket launchers, clan plasma cannon, AGL ballistic weapons, long tom, arrow V missle, and other options that this game needs, so many mechs with the same weapons is starting to get boring, especially If you are IS
-Map voting is actually making it harder to get c-bills quickly, please remove.
-Hrothgar Dropship...where is it? Even on the forum background there are some.
-Allow selling of AMMO.
-Allow mech xp to be turned into c-bills, since mech xp is going skyhigh, but useless after upgrades done.
Flamers and Machine Guns may finally be how they're supposed to be.

The quirks should really be gone as-is, but the lack of actual programming to make this game what we were told it was going to be doesn't exist, and Paul would rather **** off with making new systems than give us what we were told, from the outset, we were going to get.

Actually, the map voting is somewhat backwards, but it needs to be changed, not removed. You get your bucket of people together, vote on the map and the mode, thirty seconds to lock in the timer and the map, and then everyone is sent to work out, for up to five minutes, which 'Mechs are going to be taken, in accordance with equilibrium provided by the new PTS balance system Paul was supposed to finish dicking off with about two months ago.

You're a MechWarrior IV player, so not that it matters, but the Hrothgar is not canon, since MechWarrior IV is not canon.

Selling of ammo? Are you picking up something the rest of us aren't? I would love to be able to get rid of the excess Loyalty 'Mechs I don't want, as well as the excess non-canon modules I'll never use, etc. In fact, I would be happy if there was an in-game economy where we could sell all of that crap off to have more C-Bills.

I'm still hoping 'Mech XP and GXP will be refunded, soon, and a new Pilot Skills and Tech Tree system will be released that will put all of my excess XP to use... I've converted nearly 4.5 million XP off my Catapult C4 into GXP, now, and I'm really tiring of the loss.

I know we'll have vastly different viewpoints on this, but let's just say I would love to see an actual BattleTech computer game from this sometime in the near future.

#89 VinJade


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Posted 08 April 2016 - 08:04 AM

I would love it if Fire Support units was more viable than what they are now, they was meant to support friendly units by softening the targets, but as we have it now, people just like to mock those that are fire support units by calling them noobs and what not even though it is a good tactic to use though with that said,

the ECM on the other hand already is jesus in a box we don't need to make it any more powerful.
Because lets face it when they(BT creators) created the rules for the ECM it could be mounted on any mech allowing all mechs to use ECMs & BAPs which they could then counter the enemy's ecm themselves.

so unless pgi does that we need to reduce the power of the jesus box not give it more or less god mode which would prevent fire support units from doing their job and as it is LRMs are one of the weakest weapon in the game and to prevent 100% target lock would more or less become the death knell for support mechs.

and seeing as the books are seen as cannon and in them we don't see ecms being that powerful and my argument with why this counts is the fact that Herb & Loren Coleman are those who are the end all be all when it comes to rules and what is and isn't cannon then I would think they would know how the rules work when they write the novels as well.

Also since we cannot even do true 'lobbing' of missiles where you can just shoot and they will land in the area you want them to because they will just shoot high and keep on going until they explode.

as to ll never played it nor do I ever wish to and I think mwo should just keep doing its own thing as we don't need to make clones of the same game over and over again.

Edited by VinJade, 08 April 2016 - 08:20 AM.

#90 Serpentbane


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Posted 09 April 2016 - 02:53 PM

View PostVinJade, on 08 April 2016 - 08:04 AM, said:

as to ll never played it nor do I ever wish to and I think mwo should just keep doing its own thing as we don't need to make clones of the same game over and over again.

I never said PGI should make MWO a Living Legend clone, but I don’t want it to be different just to be different either. I included that video to give some feeling about the direction I’d like MWO to take.

Today MWO is nothing but an arena style arcade shooter. PPL drops in groups, but so close to each other we rarely see the 30 sec mark passing by before first contact is made. There is no time, or room, no possibilites and as so no point in any sort of tactics and strategic gameplay, hence ppl don’t try either. The result is really the same exact fights over and over and over.

This does not fit the MWO slogan, “The thinking persons shooter”. And the direction this game is taking is even more arena style, fast paced, robot stomping shooter action. If I wanted that, I’d play Hawken or Armored Core.

I want more focus on teamwork and mech roles. Not this artificial rock, paper and scissors game we have today, where the lights are the assaults worst enemy. Lights should fit their roles as scouts, spotters, low damage harassers or the ones chasing down damaged retreating enemy mechs. They could also secure key infrastructure, like landing zones. Assaults should be what they are, plain devastation on the battlefield. But slow and few in numbers. Fit for an assault on an enemy force or installations, or for defense of such installations. But easily outrun and avoided, blind without friendly intelligence, and prey to long range attacks guided by enemy spotters. And meds and heavies should be everything in between.

With roles comes also special mechs with special capabilities. Certain hard points able to fit certain weapon classes. Limiting some weapons to these specialized mechs. Same goes for sensors.

If all this is done right, we suddenly have a game where players have to rely on each other fulfilling the needed tasks, taking on their roles like they should.

But I’m not going to write my initial post once more. Point is, I don’t want MWO to become LL. But I want it to be more of a BattleTech simulation rather than this arcade shooter, where key development is making the game even more arcade shooter pumping out mech package after mech package without any huge progression on gameplay.

Edited by Serpentbane, 09 April 2016 - 02:54 PM.

#91 VinJade


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Posted 09 April 2016 - 07:50 PM

the best battletech MW sim we had going for us was MW 3 & MW 3PM.
Want a true sim, we need to get rid of the 'slots' all together, all mechs be able to mount ECMs, BAPs, ect.
Remember any mech can have their sensors finely tuned to that of Scouts, ect.

Only mechs that have more refined sensors was Oscouts(sp) & the Crab per fluff outside of that no light mech has a better sensor suites and all mechs can fill those sensor roles. .

don't get me wrong I use lights in my merc unit, two lances for different roles, be it scouts or highly mobile(weak) LRM units(Thorn w/LFE, Locust, ect) so I have nothing against them at all.

Edited by VinJade, 09 April 2016 - 07:51 PM.

#92 Karl Streiger


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Posted 12 April 2016 - 01:03 AM

Well MWO was decent in closed beta - only had issues with the engine but the game itself was ok.

i would even say MWO played with LosTech era only (no ES, no DHS, no Clowns...) would be ok

Edited by Karl Streiger, 12 April 2016 - 01:04 AM.

#93 Bud Crue


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Posted 12 April 2016 - 02:56 AM

I voted "make a turn". Right now "progress" seems to be about getting closer and closer to a FPS with large pulse lasers. I would "turn" down a path that puts "A BattleTech Game" back into this one.

#94 VinJade


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Posted 12 April 2016 - 09:17 AM

that would never happen, in order to do that Russ would have to put his hate aside for the clans, give the clans their edge back if only a little such as remove the min-range of their Missiles, also getting rid of the way the MWO GR works, ether by having it auto charge like it should have from the start(No I will never use the GR, I am a IDFS not a DFS user) or change the way the MWO GR works by getting rid of the explosion if hit if the weapon isn't charged yet.

Now before anyone says anything I pilot the Stalker, and I love that mech so I will not be going back to clan tech(that and it has a faster fire rate).

#95 Serpentbane


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Posted 28 August 2016 - 08:13 AM

View PostVinJade, on 12 April 2016 - 09:17 AM, said:

that would never happen, in order to do that Russ would have to put his hate aside for the clans, give the clans their edge back if only a little such as remove the min-range of their Missiles, also getting rid of the way the MWO GR works, ether by having it auto charge like it should have from the start(No I will never use the GR, I am a IDFS not a DFS user) or change the way the MWO GR works by getting rid of the explosion if hit if the weapon isn't charged yet.

Now before anyone says anything I pilot the Stalker, and I love that mech so I will not be going back to clan tech(that and it has a faster fire rate).

I do not believe it's about hating the clans, but balancing the game. Needless to say, one can't have one faction with tech superior to the other and expect the game to just work.

That is also why I suggest throwing the current quick drop in the sea, and either just focus on CW or redo the quick drop putting it closer to the CW, but without the CW part. Regardless of what they do, fixed numbers of mechs in the game need to go.

Now, they can still have fixed number of players as I suggest in my post, but let them have several drops, like respawns just like the current CW have. The number of drops would be determined by bith tonnage and a mech combat efficency factor. When one of those limits are reached, the player will not be able to drop new mechs. This opens for having very powerfull mechs, but people would not be able to do many drops with them before limiting out.

This solution is also on par with the BattleTech universe as the Clans usually had fewer but more powerfull mechs. They also had a larger number of older IS mechs or clan variants of IS mechs.

Edited by Serpentbane, 28 August 2016 - 08:15 AM.

#96 SockSlayer


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Posted 15 September 2016 - 03:16 PM

PGI needs to start adding new weapons, especially for IS, as new mechs are getting the same tired weapons over and over.

I'm not saying don't add new mechs, but they need to add a weapon every once in awhile though, inner sphere really needs it, but I've got clan mechs that would like a plasma cannon!!!

Also, still having performance issues that are still getting worse after every update!!! Love a game with lots to offer, but first, I like a game that actually works!!!

Edited by Independence MK2, 15 September 2016 - 03:18 PM.

#97 Johnny Z


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Posted 16 September 2016 - 12:10 AM

I didn't read the entire topic but I hope there is a lot of off the field content added like 1st person mechbay and NPCs and things like that. It would be amazing if Aerotech in space was added some time to. Posted Image

I chose stay on course because maybe there is major updates ahead. If not I would choose the other option.

Edited by Johnny Z, 16 September 2016 - 12:11 AM.

#98 knight-of-ni


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Posted 16 September 2016 - 05:52 AM

View PostBlitzkriegadier, on 15 September 2015 - 02:11 PM, said:

Open world exploration & faction vs faction PVP + dynamic PVE missions.

Exactly what I would like to see. Kind of all-encompassing-star-citizen meets the battletech universe.
Realistically, I don't ever see this happening with the current game, but hey I can still dream about it.

#99 Seddrik


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Posted 16 September 2016 - 06:03 AM


MWO is tactical by its design. Focusing and teamwork required.

The major problems are a lack of teamwork in game, long waits for drops (especially in FP), PGI upping the FPS requirements of maps instead of just making new maps and finally the shrinking active player base.


Remove fluff from maps. Birds, FPS intensive terrain. We want to blow up mechs, not watch birds fly. Keeping the game focused on mech vs mech action keeps it playable for more people.

Merge the ques for FP. Too many battles in different planets, too many restrictions splitting clans from fighting together, Long Toms further splitting the ques so that people will not drop unless they have it or will not drop when the opposition has it, etc. People want PVP, not long waits and auto destruction of mechs.

Regarding the player base, make it more appealing to play. As it is, it takes new players a LONG time to figure out what is needed for this game - mech selection and builds and teamwork and skills. The competitive scene is shrinking because experienced people get burned out (for various reasons) and new blood takes so long to bring in, train, get the right mechs, etc. Solution? PGI has a right to make money (and I have put in my share), but at the same time mechs are very strong when first developed then nerfed, and the pricing is pretty high - almost prohibitive for the average player. It is very expensive to get into the more competitive level of MWO gaming.

Since it prohibits players from getting into more viable and competitive play, many find other games that cost less to play. So, PGI will have to consider the gains of having more players with increased paying customer base (but at lower prices) vs the gains of high prices and fewer/shrinking paying customer base. I've already paid into the game, and I won't feel cheated if they lowered prices so we can have more people playing MWO. It would be great to have more players IMO. I want more people to shoot. : P

Edited by Seddrik, 16 September 2016 - 06:08 AM.

#100 Serpentbane


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Posted 20 October 2016 - 05:02 AM

Added images showing how radars could work, with passive, active and advanced sensors. Press spoiler buttons in the Radar and Sensors section. Did some changes in the multiple/asymetric drops section.

Edited by Serpentbane, 20 October 2016 - 05:34 AM.

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