quirks i dont like are Mg RoF/range the AMS quirks unless they're just addons that dont take space from real quirks.
i actually don't really mind a few uber quirks like the huggin and dragon 1N got, just because they add some flavour its a real change in playstyle, just don't have 10 mechs like this that would take the fun out of it they need to stay niche although i guess a small debuf wouldn't hurt them too bad.
well i for one would look at range quirks first, heat second and only then cooldown (unless its ballistics then cooldown first range second) mainly because IS medium and small lasers just don't have the range they need to go up against the clans, ofcourse you could just up the base rangestat for these by 30-50 meter or nerf the clan side by that much (also look at the C-LPL that kinda range is insane compared to the IS variant).
id also like more/larger generic quirks with some smaller specific weapon quirks added on to them, although i have to add that that generic quirk thingy doesn't work for missiles because then you would see even more LRM's being missused on a chassis that just begs for SRM's. so yes you'd need to know your chassis' before you start adding quirks
most of the mechs that could use help are already mentioned but i'll list them again
commando and
locust, enough has been said about these in previous posts
shadowhawk, i mean really ? even some of the clan quirks are better then what this sad little mech gets just look at what you did to the hunchback and reverse engineer it to the shadowhawk (that grey death needs some AC 20 love
well i think most have at least a workable chassis, some specific variants need work though.
my exception to this would be the
grasshopper, i really regret paying money for this i mean i like the design and all but it just underperforms especially compared to t-bolt jumpjets alone are not enough to choose this mech for CW it has a lot of energy hardpoints but when you use them you just lack range.
orions might need a little love as well, maybe some mobillity and armor to really make it a brawler
well basicaly all of them with the exception of the
stalker 4N, they just don't feel like assaults.
some examples:
awesome actually has some mostly good quirks but gets nerfed by its size and hardpoint placement. so it would need survivability and some acc/decc quirks to make poking less dangerous
zeus is actually quite tanky and has a good size profile but it lacks punch
battlemaster has very good weapon hardpoints overall, but its torso twist range is laughable. could do with some slightly better (say +5/7.5%) energy range/heat
the banshee also mostly good weaponplacement but could do with some better energy range/heat, a bit more than the battlemaster actually and trow in some love for that big CT and maybe some for the ST as well, take some off the arms if you must.
atlas, well for something that big and slow it needs to be a bit more durable (yes even more than it already is) CT/ST armor, also some SRM (note not missile/LRM) heat/cooldown, energy (ML/MPL) range/cooldown and ballistic (AC20) range/cooldown boosts, to make it the fearless brawler it should be. maybe even throw in some mobility quirks
i have nothing to say about the
victor or
highlander because well ... i wouldn't know where to begin, people are just so disappointed in them that i fear to try them out.
side note:
how about a generic heat dissipation quirk ? should be possible you can already unlock this in the pilot tree, could be especially nice for clan mechs (and the hellslinger which already has that special environment bonus), they would still be limited by high heat generation but just loose it a little faster