While it is not necessarily a bad thing to make it take a bit more time to secure a planet, the problem with the "trading" algorithm is that it can be abused in favor of the defense of a planet through algo-provided prevention through ghost drops.
So, here's the scenario:
Assume Attacking Faction has infinite resources. Defending Faction has limited resources.
Group 1 of Attacking Faction launches Attack
Defending Faction sends 1st group to defense this attack.
Group 2 of Attacking Faction launches Attack - Gets Defense/Counter Attack
Defending Faction does not show up - forces ghost drop on group 2 - a 10 min wait
Group 3 of Attacking Faction launches Attack - has to wait 10 minutes to launch due to ghost drop in progress
Defending Faction sends 2nd group for defense AFTER the 10 min wait of the ghost drop has been completed/confirmed through the map
Since we know that the matches launched are 50-50 AND we know when the time of the matches that are starting (you can determine the ratio by the match timers AND the # of attacks+defense (counters) are launched), all that a defending faction has to do is NOT show up when an attacking faction is in a ghost drop on a COUNTER.
The Ghost Drop on a Counter does not concede a piece of the pie, it only allows the Attacker to "keep that piece".
There is no penalty AFAIK for a ghost drop on a piece that is owned. That is problematic on many levels.
So... it is what it is. Given what we know about the algo, you can predict what is happening, and when to show up. It requires a certain level of coordination... and PUGs to not screw this up... but when the effort expended to win a planet currently requires twice as much time and effort... it is actually very difficult to fight to claim planets that are more difficult to capture and favor the defending faction with half the resources required to stop the attack.
Edited by Deathlike, 22 April 2015 - 01:32 PM.