Posted 24 April 2015 - 12:16 PM
ComStar has solicited the assistance of every Great House, as well as all the available mercenary companies and lone wolf mechwarriors throughout the Inner Sphere. Yet where are the ComGuard? Will we see the white-painted legions of ComStar joining us on the battlefield?
Levi Porphyrogenitus, 1st Special Operations Group, AFFC.
To all you IS players out there, break out your white paint jobs for this event. I plan to roll pure Titanium White in honor of the ComGuard.
To PGI, have you considered putting white paints on sale for the event? What about adding ComStar-themed cosmetics and such? You have the Cameron Star warhorn, which is a great start, you can do better. Is there a better opportunity to introduce ComStar than the inaugural Battle of Tukayyid?
Posted 24 April 2015 - 12:22 PM
That said, I agree we should have a ComGuard faction.
Personally, I feel it would work best if they had it unable to initiate attacks. But able to support any Anti-Clan fighting, defense or attack. thus helping to shore up attack queues. (Since IS can do it on defense regardless).
EDIT: Resistance White + Steiner Gold stripe looks REALLY good as a Color Scheme for Comstar... Just saying. Resistance Black looks good for the stripe too.
Edited by Dulahan, 24 April 2015 - 12:26 PM.
Posted 24 April 2015 - 01:10 PM
Posted 24 April 2015 - 01:27 PM
Posted 24 April 2015 - 01:52 PM
Edited by Louis Brofist, 24 April 2015 - 01:52 PM.
Posted 24 April 2015 - 01:54 PM
Posted 24 April 2015 - 02:02 PM

Posted 24 April 2015 - 02:09 PM
Levi Porphyrogenitus, on 24 April 2015 - 12:16 PM, said:
ComStar has solicited the assistance of every Great House, as well as all the available mercenary companies and lone wolf mechwarriors throughout the Inner Sphere. Yet where are the ComGuard? Will we see the white-painted legions of ComStar joining us on the battlefield?
Levi Porphyrogenitus, 1st Special Operations Group, AFFC.
To all you IS players out there, break out your white paint jobs for this event. I plan to roll pure Titanium White in honor of the ComGuard.
To PGI, have you considered putting white paints on sale for the event? What about adding ComStar-themed cosmetics and such? You have the Cameron Star warhorn, which is a great start, you can do better. Is there a better opportunity to introduce ComStar than the inaugural Battle of Tukayyid?
I'm down for changing all my paints for the event.
So it's just all white? (or so something else) pics?
Pssst, PGI, Comstar Decal....
Edit: I know enough lore to know details of Tukayyid, Comguard, etc, but I don't know enough to know the exact Comguard pattern...
Edited by Cion, 24 April 2015 - 02:17 PM.
Posted 24 April 2015 - 02:14 PM
Levi Porphyrogenitus, on 24 April 2015 - 02:11 PM, said:
Well, to be fair, WoB was a heretical ComStar sect, so it only makes sense that they'd roll in ComGuard white colors.
You know, I heard a theory, that it was just the black ops division of ComStar, that ComStar used to try another gamble at taking over the IS, when it failed, they went "WoB bad!" and divested themselves of it.... Concidering ComStar's history, them seem plausable.
Posted 24 April 2015 - 02:14 PM
Cion, on 24 April 2015 - 02:09 PM, said:
So it's just all white? (or so something else) pics?
Pssst, PGI, Comstar Decal....
From what I recall of the novels, and from what I can find online, ComGuard ran all white, at least initially. It may be that they also did some gold trim, and later on they probably ran camo when in the field, but pure white should work just fine for this event.
Posted 07 May 2015 - 09:38 AM
Bulletsponge0, on 24 April 2015 - 01:57 PM, said:
if the Clans win, it will be because "ZOMG, CLANZ OP!!!"
In hindsight, Tukayyid was this.
1. OMG Stalker Conga Line!
2. OMG We are not using our light mechs!
2a- OMG Light rushes!
2b- OMG Light mechs legging!
2c- OMG Firestarters with 5 smpls!
3. ZOMG Thunderbolts are OP!
4. ZOMG We were outnumbered! (I dunno but what I do know is that there was a cap on battles and players)
5. OMG IS mechs are OP!
1. OMG my hatred for Streakcrows keeps me warm at night!
2. ZOMG My hatred for Timberwolves keeps me warm at night!
3. ZOMG My hatred for Hellbringers keeps me warm at night!
4. Clans have more people! (see above)
5. Clan mechs are OP!!
6. Changed game files for targeting reticule notification. (cheating)
7. ZOMG Clans are shutting down a mech in CW on one account, switching to their main one, then joining another CW match.
I fought for the FRR the whole time. If you have anything to add to this list, please feel free!
*BTW I thought about this earlier after the post. Just because I fought with and love the FRR doesn't mean that all of this was complained about during the event. I was reading different forums on the event and took bits and pieces from both IS and Clan.
Edited by Alec Braca, 07 May 2015 - 10:41 AM.
Posted 07 May 2015 - 09:48 AM
Posted 07 May 2015 - 09:58 AM
Edited by CocoaJin, 07 May 2015 - 04:44 PM.
Posted 07 May 2015 - 09:59 AM
Posted 07 May 2015 - 10:10 AM
But I stand by my idea for Comstar! Able to join any Anti-Clan battle, attacker or defender, but can't initiate.
Posted 07 May 2015 - 12:21 PM
Alec Braca, on 07 May 2015 - 09:38 AM, said:
1. OMG Stalker Conga Line!
2. OMG We are not using our light mechs!
2a- OMG Light rushes!
2b- OMG Light mechs legging!
2c- OMG Firestarters with 5 smpls!
3. ZOMG Thunderbolts are OP!
4. ZOMG We were outnumbered! (I dunno but what I do know is that there was a cap on battles and players)
5. OMG IS mechs are OP!
1. OMG my hatred for Streakcrows keeps me warm at night!
2. ZOMG My hatred for Timberwolves keeps me warm at night!
3. ZOMG My hatred for Hellbringers keeps me warm at night!
4. Clans have more people! (see above)
5. Clan mechs are OP!!
6. Changed game files for targeting reticule notification. (cheating)
7. ZOMG Clans are shutting down a mech in CW on one account, switching to their main one, then joining another CW match.
I fought for the FRR the whole time. If you have anything to add to this list, please feel free!
*BTW I thought about this earlier after the post. Just because I fought with and love the FRR doesn't mean that all of this was complained about during the event. I was reading different forums on the event and took bits and pieces from both IS and Clan.
list seems very accurate to me
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