Today I was rummaging through some old hardware & among the gear I found an old HDD with all my old 2004-2005 maps & modding projects.
This is all stuff I did for UT2004 (best FPS evar), a mix of multiplayer maps, SP campaigns & messing about.
I also found the pass to my old photobucket account where all my WiP beta images were stored. Result!
I thought all this stuff was lost, and imo it's a real shame that none of this stuff will ever get played again given the amount of time it took me to do the coding, mapping, skinning, music, sounds etc..
Looking back, it seems very shonky by current standards but I had a whale of a time putting them together, so I thought I'd at least share some of the pics with you guys.

VCTF Koopa Valley

Small & spammy vehicle-CTF map. Done mainly as a proof of concept to see if I could use sprites in a 3d engine, but for some reason people really liked playing on it. ?
Textures ripped from Mario 3 (nes) and Mario World (snes).
No extra coding required, simple stuff.

The giant Bullet-Bills were simple sub-classed missile projectiles with a new mesh, skin & coding, and would kill you instantly, Mario style.

Use of Weapons

Semi-size 7-level single player campaign designed to plug into OSMT (old skool monster tools), a mod by Super Ape form the old UP forums. This was made for a mapping comp, I came 3rd.
Based on the original Unreal (set in the same universe), using the same baddies & style of play, but with extensive use of cut-scenes, rather than the old Text-Reader device that the original Unreal used, and obviously a different storyline.

(go vortex rikers!)

Timberwolf used as a backdrop for the final level, built in BSP (not a static mesh built in a 3d modelling app, but BSP (binary space partition), the same "stuff" your old Quake-1 maps were built out of)

Micro Machines Mod

This was just a bit of fun really.. Take the vehicles from stock UT.
Re-code them and re-skin them, then force the camera to a fixed top-down view, and set up some simple rules to make a race-mode. Funtimes!

The maps are built in 3d, but the races are played strictly top-down, like the first micro machines.
Included custom-coded vehicles & weapon pick-ups, the normal stuff for a non-serious racing game.

Use of Weapons 2
Sequel to UoE still set in the Unreal universe, meant to be bigger & better, but unfortunately I never got the chance to finish this.
Used voice-dubbed cut-scenes to put the story across rather than the subtitles of UoE 1.
(Subtitles still used, but in this case to explain the missions, dialogue was recorded by friends)
Fewer, but much larger levels.
This level was designed quite heavily as a homage to GTA SA and Vice City, so we've got a mix of that San-Andreas gangsta style, and I also "borrowed" the idea of a massive open map for this level where you had to complete certain missions in order to progress.
This level's baddies were the Junk-Yardies, rasta Skaarj who lived in a junkyard & gangsta Krall (rollin wit the Krallaz 'yo! who hung out in basketball courts & free-styled with each other when they weren't killing you).

Junk-Yardies, Rasta Skaarj

The Krallaz, a homeboy Krall-gang.

The level-boss for this map was the Queen of Pangiers, a simple reskinned stock model from UT.
The player had to infiltrate the Dude Ranch, a nightclub where *she* was causing havok for the world you had to save.

The Queen of Pangiers.
I loved putting the club together, but my favourite mission to write was where you had to break-in to the Junkyard, and steal the Queen's personal ride which was being fixed-up by the Yardies.
Once youhad a cool car, you were admitted to a Fast & the Furious style meeting where you had to destroy the Krallaz' souped-up sportscars in order to spark a gang-war so you could infiltrate the Dude Ranch.

I've discovered loads more that I'd forgotten I've even built, a WH40k themed map, several smaller VCTF projects, and tonnes of coding projects like custom weapons, baddies, etc.. for other people to use in their own projects, unfortunately the game is pretty much dead now so they'll never see the light of day again. /aw, sad face!

Anyone else go any old mod-projects for other games they'd like to share?
I'd love to see them, & given the pretty tech-savvy nature of BT/MW fans I'd be surprised if I'm the only ex-mapper kicking around the forums..

Edited by BigJim, 02 July 2012 - 03:17 PM.