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First Time Piloting A Firestarter

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#21 0bsidion


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 07:13 AM

View PostSoy, on 28 April 2015 - 06:45 AM, said:

...I'm not comp tho... retired from all that ****... just cuz you see me on the block wreckin underhivelings doesn't mean I'm reppin mah squad brah... you don't see me in leagues these days... bah, you'll get what I mean sooner or later.

I don't judge people who take this mech into a serious match, do your thing, but to act like it doesn't soak phantom damage better than other lights is to live/pilot in denial. Not that such a notion matters in any tangible way...

I don't know what it is about the Firestarter or the Spider, but I have to agree, something does seem a bit off about them. I pegged a Spider in the back with a dual gauss blast, which should pretty much end any mech's day, or close to it, and instead of killing it, nothing happened. It's rather random though, other times I can kill them just fine.

Edited by 0bsidion, 28 April 2015 - 08:12 AM.

#22 Dino Might


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 07:32 AM

I suspect it's partly due to how thin the mechs are. Depending on the server refresh rate, there's probably some "tunneling" going on, where the hits don't register because the game doesn't calculate the projectile and mech position often enough.

This probably only happens on faster projectiles at very specific angles/distances/other conditions.

BTW, how is the Raven the second hardest to hit mech in the game? Have you tried shooting its legs? They are like a PB center torso on each of them.

#23 CantHandletheTruth


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 07:33 AM

View PostDino Might, on 28 April 2015 - 07:32 AM, said:

I suspect it's partly due to how thin the mechs are. Depending on the server refresh rate, there's probably some "tunneling" going on, where the hits don't register because the game doesn't calculate the projectile and mech position often enough.

This probably only happens on faster projectiles at very specific angles/distances/other conditions.

BTW, how is the Raven the second hardest to hit mech in the game? Have you tried shooting its legs? They are like a PB center torso on each of them.

Also the reason Jenner doesn't really compete, EVERYTHING hits the CT so compared to the Firestarter or even Commando or Spider its pretty fragile.

#24 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 07:40 AM

View PostDino Might, on 28 April 2015 - 07:32 AM, said:

I suspect it's partly due to how thin the mechs are. Depending on the server refresh rate, there's probably some "tunneling" going on, where the hits don't register because the game doesn't calculate the projectile and mech position often enough.

This probably only happens on faster projectiles at very specific angles/distances/other conditions.

BTW, how is the Raven the second hardest to hit mech in the game? Have you tried shooting its legs? They are like a PB center torso on each of them.

Seems to be a "perfect storm" scenario.

1) FS9 is about perfectly sized and hitbox proportioned to be a tough little guy, period.
2) High speed is harder to hit reliably where you want, period.
3) Thickness and shape of some hitboxes do spread damage easier
4) Thinness seems to affect HSR too, when trying to predict hits.
5) There IS unreliable hitreg across the board, but certain mechs are poster children for it. Whether it's because they are actually more borked, or it's the perfect storm of features combining, is largely irrelevant on our end (though important on the Dev side for fixing) as the results are the same.
6)Some mechs seem to have more consistent issues with hitreg issues. Just because a Victor or TBR might have htireg issues 5% of the time doesn't make the FS9 having it apparently close to 25% of time (numbers made up for emphasis, not as some gospel account). Point is, some mechs seem to have it worse than others.
7) JJ feathering, of course, exacerbates all the above.

End results, often have registered hits on the legs that do no appreciable damage. Which is impressive since I am usually chucking ac20 shells at things. I hear Light pilots say " i never seem to get the benefit"...yet in all likelihood they did, but didn't notice the 4 shots that didn't or only barely registered, vs the one that did, while streaking along.

#25 Ultimax


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 07:42 AM

View Post0bsidion, on 28 April 2015 - 07:13 AM, said:

I don't know what it is about the Firestarter or the Spider, but I have to agree, something does seem a bit off about them. I pegged a Spider in the back with a dual gauss blast, which should pretty much end any mech's day, or close to it, and instead of killing it, nothing happened. It's rather random though, other times I can kill them just fine.

What you are talking about is hitregistration, not hitbox issues though.

Just last night I killed a spider that was mid-flight by removing it's side torso with lasers in a CW match.

There have been times I've seen light pilots with massive ping warping and having a real, actual lag shield - but those are few and far between for me.

#26 Dino Might


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 07:42 AM

I'm not afraid to say that if hitreg was perfect, I'd not do nearly as good as I usually do in my Locust. Sometimes, I take a blast and I stop, because I think I'm dead, only to find that I'm cherry red instead of blown to dust 4 times over. Then I get tapped and die because I wasn't moving out of the line of fire. It's quite comical.

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