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#1 Snapt Gleipnir


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Posted 07 March 2019 - 08:33 PM

I would love to see an area of information explaining how to donate music, models&renders, or font packages to PGI for use in their MWO development.

For example, I've heard many players asking about custom warhorns. That's a player-by-player double-donation right there. When we upload our own it costs only 50 MC the first time we want to buy it from the store, then 200 MC every time after (100 to upload, 100 from the store).

Or what about talents like Haven Kendrick? Their packages could be made available through a new section of the website. I recommend this is done for free at first, but adding a quality control shift to one of your faculty once in a while might be necessary. If you want to one offset the payroll cost and do a little re-branding, something like an MWO map pack would probably start people paying for a chance to use some sort of 'Solaris Moon-base Collection' for elevated C-Bill pay outs?

Lastly, what about giving a few rogue geniuses the chance to pitch you guys an 8-bit sound-track for the game (like myself)? I'm not well-versed on any of the legalese for these sorts of things, but I would love to have a clear way to contact you (even if I don't get your attention before someone else).

(contact: diskgiant@gmail.com)
EDIT: wc, clarity

Edited by ConstableQib, 08 March 2019 - 09:19 AM.

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