Praetor Knight, on 29 August 2015 - 05:53 PM, said:
One set of potential values, from a three-shot burst, would equal a total of 6.00 damage with each shell registering 2 damage each. Going with the stock time of 0.14 between each projectile in a burst, the cooldown can be 1.72
DPS is 2.80 and HPS goes down to 0.47 with 1 Heat.
DPS is 2.80 and HPS goes down to 0.47 with 1 Heat.
It's like a Burst Fire Limitation with shorter downtime after the burst, faster burst but with lower amount of shells per burst.
I would be satisfied with that.
But unfortunatly i've realised PGI would not want the AC2 to have a different mechanic than the other AC's.
I'll guess we would have to keep the AC2 chained down with something else than burst fire. Maybe keeping heat at 1 per shell like it is right now?
Fire it too much and it's shutdown time. Who knows what the dev's will go for in the end.
They might even decide that the AC2 is a deadend and never try to balance the weapon at all.