Yen Lo Wang is the CHINESE God of the Underworld. Its pilots, Kai, and Justin Allard were descended from Capellans, which is space-China.
So why does it have a Japanese rising sun motif? Just look at all the 'L' s involved... Kai Allard Liao, Yen Lo Wang... It is NOT Japanese. The Combine is space-Japan.
So, obviously you can't remove the old pattern, a lot of people paid for that mech... But, it really needs an alternate skin that is more appropriate. It's been bugging me since it came out
That's just my opinion.
There are a lot of things I'd like to see before this, but I do think it should be addressed at some point.
Edited by Twilight Fenrir, 05 May 2015 - 05:19 AM.