Posted 10 June 2015 - 07:29 PM
We managed to get House Liao organized yesterday to launch a CW attack on Phact. We had a couple good games, but rather than continue to engage us on that planet where we were making a small amount of progress, someone chose to create a throw away account to join the Liao faction chat and invite us over to Wazan.
We had a couple of good games on Wazan. Admittedly, I think we would have lost the planet to combat, but the Davion ghost drops before and after our fights cost us the planet. Furthermore, we surrendered any chance of taking Phact, because we decided to go where the game was. Whoever took the time to create an account and join our faction chat made clear that was on Wazan.
Rather than come to us, you made us chase the game and rewarded us for it by taking our planet. This might be a perfectly good strategy for changing the color of the map, but it is terrible for encouraging CW.
Tonight, I'm having very little luck getting anyone interested in CW. How many actual matches did you have again House Liao? How many more C-Bills could you have earned if you had had Mechs to shoot at? I don't know if the results on the map would be different any, but I imagine it would be more fun.
Until PGI does something to improve CW, it is entirely up to the players to organize these matches. If tonight proves anything, it's that constant drops are insufficient to ensure a match. Throwing three teams against one (or none) will take a planet, but it won't lead to much actual play time. There were plenty of Liao players online. They just weren't interested in playing CW.
If I am correct in believing you are looking for a game against live players and Mechs, not turrets, then we have got to coordinate to make this happen. The CW Beta 2 just isn't working well enough to create adequate matches on a Wednesday night.