Khobai, on 06 May 2015 - 03:15 PM, said:
all gamemodes should be available on all maps and all gamemodes/maps should be part of CW
it makes no sense to segregrate CW from other gamemodes.
Agreed, but it's the CW maps with the bottle necks that make it difficult to simply convert CW maps over to Solo queue. PGI would have to remove those, and make further tweaks to the layout i think. That's why I like just the crater in Vitric Forge. The problem that makes it difficult to convert CW to normal Solo maps would be that one side is completely open, and the other side (defending side) has the most structures and cover.
I dunno how that would turn out in solo queue.
LordKnightFandragon, on 06 May 2015 - 03:02 PM, said:
Naw, just let the whole thing be a solo Q map. It would be a good 8v8 map.....or a solaris arena at some point.
Well, my thought was that if the whole map was open, no one would really use the huge field. Or, the team that spawns on that side would simply just wait around until the other team came through and just snipe/lrm them to death. Who ever makes it across the field would get destroyed by the brawlers and lights.
So I figured centering the map around the crater gives both sides an even playing field with an interesting dynamic - it being so wide-open. PGI might have to expand the field a bit to support 24 players easier, but that should be relatively easy.
If played correctly, the brawlers would go straight to the structures in the center for cover and wait, while snipers and support would trade shots across to the other side across the map. and when the enemy is under cover, the brawlers would hoof it to the other side, and then lob shots over the ramps... The enemy team is forced to use the trails to reposition and stop the enemy from rushing in, maybe even setting up a rush attack from the side with their brawlers to take out the long range that are crossing the field.
haha i dunno. I just like thinking about what might happen.
I really like the idea of having to expose yourself to get closer to the enemy. And if you want to use the trails, (i notice now that one trail isn't connecting, oopsie) you still have to go out into the open, before connecting back to the other trail.
So long as someone is watching the field, you'll always know where the enemy is.
I think it'd be pretty neat map that would make people think before charging in. Which is what we all want, right?
Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 06 May 2015 - 04:57 PM.