Medium, Assassin
Heavy, Battleaxe.
Assault, Cyclops
We could use another fast 40 ton medium for the IS. Right now that is the Cicada, and that niche needs expanding. We've already got far too many 50 and 55 ton mediums.
For the Heavy I want a stand-in for the Warhammer, and the Hammerhands or Battleaxe fits the best, even if both have jump jets.
I could also go for the IS copy of the Timber Wolf, the Raksasha, but it needs to have the hero variant be the Bounty Hunter mech, but instead of missiles it has 2 autocannons. WIth that loadout you can simulate a Marauder, which is what Bounty Hunter was using before switching to a capture Timber Wolf. That being said, I have no problems with there also being a second Bounty Hunter mech in the form of a Timberwolf hero mech. There is room for both.
Malleus011, on 07 May 2015 - 08:28 AM, said:
Phoenix Hawk
Succession Wars Pack II:
Loyalty Mech: Rifleman (for purchasing both packs)
And for the Clanners:
Succession Wars IIC Pack
Phoenix Hawk IIC
Hunchback IIC
Warhammer IIC
Marauder IIC
Those are really the best options PGI has left to make them piles of cash.
And no, I don't mind if they have to do chassis-up redesigns on all of them. Cut Alex loose and get them in the game.
No amount of explanations are going to stop people from asking things like this, but even re-designs are not enough. They're still lawsuit bait and they will never happen.
XXXBunnyXXX, on 07 May 2015 - 09:40 AM, said:
Burn the heretic.
I wants me mechs
<lights flame thrower>
come 're boy.