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Mechlab & Ui Efficiency Issues

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#1 DesiDioN


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 01:13 PM

There's certianly more, and likely a lot i've missed thus far, but there's a great deal of issues, regarding functionality, efficiency, and quality of life with respect to the new mechlab (and even surrounding tabs, such as in the store for how you look at/select mechs). As follows:

MechLab issues -

Upgrades panel is in bad position. Being on the bottom of the loadout tabs, is hard to see. Didn't notice it for 5 min of looking. it's an illogical place to be. Instead, it should be a small, seperate window, either DIRECTLY under the Loadout tabs(have the upgrade tab open, right next to the "cart total/currentbattlemech/premiumtime/ Ui elements), or right next to the Mech Stats - though at the bottom of the tabs by the cart total/currentbattlemech section is best.

Lack of visuals, reduces both functionality and aesthetics. Seeing the weapons is not only visually interesting, it's also useful as it both includes textual AND visual cues as to what something is, and what it looks like in relation being on your mech. The lab is at this point, overly simplistic looking, but to complex for it's own good.

IN LOADOUT, after i move to Modules tab, I can no longer directly go back to the actual mech loadout section to change parts. I'm basically stuck looking at the mech/weapon/consumables modules section.

Attempting to leave, causes me to be forced to buy whatever i've put on earlier. I had to select Engines to get it to go back to the actual loadout tabs. Attempting to do it a second time, allowed me to click weapons/ammo/equipment to get back, though often, I had to click them more than once to leave modules section.

Stripping an engine off, should automatically change your warehouse tab to Engines. The less time a player has to take to do menial tasks (especially when they should be automatic tasks) the better.

Only drag/drop, can't double click. Also can't just drop on component, has to be carefully aligned to the open slot. Quality of life concern. Lack of efficiency.

Save/Purchase button(s) disappear, randomly?

Strip/reset needs to be replaced at eye-level. Quality of life concern. Lack of efficiency.

In all honesty, it would be more efficient to have Mech section tabs (head/center/torso, etc) be in full display around the mech. There's more than enough space on the screen, for it, while still displaying the warehouse. There are 8 sections. There is enough space to place 2, side-by-side top left, and 2, side-by-side below them, and mirror that on the right side by the warehouse. That would reduce the sheer amount of arbitrary clicks to do simple tasks, improving efficiency. NOTE: (Clicking/dragging on that tab makes it active).

Again, there is way to much time invested in having to click multiple tabs, buttons, etc, in order to get somewhere. The simplest of tasks require 2+ clicks, more, over the standard Mechlab UI. This also includes, for instance, trying to see mechs in general. Now you must go to the Store, which, is fine, it was always wierd to click the mech lab to go see mechs. However, A glaring issue and/or oversight, is all the battlemech tabs are closed. All i have are names of mechs. That's not Time or work efficient. Instead, all tabs should be open, so that all mechs are visible from the go. Either that, or there should be a button up in the SORT section, which allows for a player to automatically opeall battlemech tabs.

Additionally, another issue with that change, is clicking on a mech no longer displays what it looks like on the right side, in the battlemech/store section. This also includes not having the "Details" button to look at how the internals of a mech are set up before purchase. Rather unacceptable, as that is a major deciding factor for many players which chassis variant they may go with - or at the very least, allows them the chance to pre-build properly before they make their purchase, which lessens downtime from the initial investment, to the state of the build the player will create from that "base" build.

Mechlab mech select is wonky. While at first glance it seems relatively efficient, it has two great
problems. First - you are required to click either/or trial mech or owned mech before you can look at any mech you own/borrow. Since there is no ability to see mechs for purchase in this section, anymore, then it should be AUTOMATIC that you display owned/trial mechs when you click on "Mech-Select" Tabs.

COCKPIT section -

Not at all obvious to how tos witch to Hanging/Mounted. Clicking in the bottom right allows the switch, but since that is in the bottom right corner, out of standard viewing space, which is clearly closer to the center of the screen, functionally and aesthetically it should either be moved up, or barring that (since it would be in way of the cockpit section on right-side of screen), place it on the left-side of screen, between "COCKPIT" Tab, and above the "CART TOTAL" tab. That way, players will recognize instantly with their eyes, that there is different kinds of cockpit items for standing/hanging/mounted, and will instantly recognize you can click each to change. This will be especially true for new players, and more frustrating from where it's at right now.

Build is unstable. Crashed, twice, while messing around in Cockpit section. Especially noticeable lag and freezing during transition from standing/hanging/mounted.

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