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New Mechlab Feedback.

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#1 Void Angel


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 02:32 PM

These are my initial impressions of the new UI.

To start with, the good things!
  • Going right to the configuration options and having them all in one place is great! I no longer have to click "configure" after I've already selected a 'mech from the MechLab, and I don't have to play back-and-forth between two separate options in order to change out upgrades or modules! This is an excellent improvement that will save millions of mouse-clicks in the years to come.
  • Filters for owned, and unlocked, and types of module! Owned items and mounted weapons filters for guns and ammo! I loves you all!
  • Filters in 'mech selection are excellent! Now I can pick a 'mech without sorting through eleventy billion thumbnails - many of which are identical to each other...
  • Trial 'mechs no longer show up while filtering for "owned 'mechs!"
  • I love how the eligible components highlight when I pick up anything that can fit into that location.
  • You can increment engine ratings instead of pulling out your engine and manually adding another one! Squeeeee!
  • Autofilter for stuff that goes into a component by clicking on it!
  • FINALLY! I can see what modules are on all of my 'mechs at a glance from the inventory screen! Now, where the heck did I put that second Seismic Sensor...
  • The color coding for when things - including upgrades - can't fit (and different colors for why) is a nice touch, and shows attention to detail.
Aaaand now the bad. I shall at times be forceful; please do not think me unappreciative, or that I am being mean:
  • You took away the mech selection thumbnail functionality from the Mechlab! Don't get me wrong; it's good to go right to configuration in your MechLab tab instead of having to click an extra button - don't change that. But for the love of all that is SANE, why take away the thumbnails?! NO ONE uses "Select 'mech" from the home screen; it's totally inferior to simply picking out a 'mech from the MechLab and clicking on that handy Configure button. Not only does "Select 'Mech" require extra clicks, the clicks are far apart, and I can't even hit Escape to back out of the screen.
  • If I must click to expand a list item into a 'mech thumbnail, please let me click (or double-click) on the thumbnail I want, instead of mousing over to the edge of the screen to click a button. Just the blue "configure" button from the live UI would be great here.
  • There is not yet a WeaponLab or similar place to model expected heat performance. If you want your Mechlab to replace Smurfy's, I think you'll need something like it. The heat efficiency rating in the UI is notoriously opaque to users (what does it mean,) and the ability to model heat in-depth like Smurfy's does is a requirement, in my mind, for a truly comprehensive MechLab.
  • Certain quirks are listed, but not modeled in the 'mech's stats - the Highlander's speed quirk, for example. See also the previous point: a WeaponLab that models quirked heat (and preferably heat scale) would be a wonderful tool.
  • I had this whole explanation of how I couldn't see the whole 'mech at a glance any more, and then noticed the Layout button. I'd suggest that you center the Expanded layout on the screen, and make it the default.
  • Why can't I filter for cockpit items I don't have like I can for modules, etc? The Store is thatbutton. ;]
Overall an excellent offering - the loss of the 'mech thumbnails is the only major flaw as such. I'd really like to see a Weaponlab, of course, but it's not a system-breaking omission. Really the only thing I really dislike is being made to mouse over here, click a button, then mouse over here, click a button, mouse over there again... Double-clicking on what you want to activate is an intuitive means of activating things on a computer, and I strongly suggest you go with that. In any case, this build is a massive improvement over the current UI, and I look forward to seeing the final version!

#2 Void Angel


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Posted 14 May 2015 - 03:44 PM

As an additional negative, we are also missing the old Ready Bay from the original UI. Filters or no, I do not want to go over to the MechLab, find one of my other three favorite 'Mechs, and then click on them in order to get to my next drop. Just give me back the 4-Mech ready bay and let me put my favorite 'mechs in there.

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