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#1 Mystic Geologist


  • Caladbolg
  • Caladbolg
  • 7 posts
  • LocationTerra

Posted 07 May 2015 - 03:00 PM

I have broken this up into 4 lists, which I developed poking around the lab for over an hour. Nothing is terribly broken which is very nice. I do have some tweaks to what is there

Things that are done well
1: Weapon info charts show what quirks will be applied to them (at least with IS mechs)
2: Ability to toggle owned equipment, modules, weapons, engines, etc (all the added toggles are nice)
3: Consolidation of all of the equipment/modules/weapons into a single window
4: Able to see how much armor is owned (is a way coming to sell off the excess armor?)
5: Adding filters for IS/Clan & Owned/Trial mechs, which helps simplify things

Things that look like bugs
1: Hovering over mech parts gives the tool tip "Chat with others in your factions" or "Click to view faction details)
2: When clicking no on "do you want to save these changes?" Causes it the window to close rather than undoing the changes.
3: Weapon info charts disappear as soon as your cursor leaves the weapon in the warehouse (and don't come back there).
4: Cost window creeps behind the premium time window

Things to increase ease of use
1: Adding an option to have the current visual mech stable, but with the added filters. (This works better me as I am visually oriented and grab mechs by shape rather than name)
2: Ability to see quirks when hovering over the mech in the stable
3: When equipping a cockpit item, having a way to preview sounds/movement animations
4: Dragging equipment onto an area rather than a specific slot in the area
5: Tooltip explaining what lower arm/hand actuators do in game (rather than what they are which is displayed)
6: Having the filters work in the opposite fashion (i.e. if I click the clan filter I only get clan mechs) With an extra toggle that says "show all".
7: A way to type the armor value in rather than using the arrows.

Things that bug my OCD, but are really unimportant
1: Ability to open weapon doors in the mech bay (this applies to only a couple of mechs)
2: Mechs within each chassis sorted alphabetically (i.e. A1, C1, C4, K2 for the Catapult or Prime, A, B, C, etc. for the clan mechs)
3: A toggle button to go between clan & IS designations

All in all this is a huge step in the right direction

The Indigestible Captain of the Harem

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