Please don't take these as a bash at the UI, simply opinions and suggestions to make things nicer on the whole.
Select Mech
The mech selection screen shouldn't be a separate page. I feel like it would make things a lot more consistent with the overall design. As it is now it feels like the select mech screen is bolted on, and a bit flimsy.
There would then be a "back" button above the mech weight list, as there is with the inventory and achievements.
You should also be able to use escape to back out of the Select Mech screen.
The big blue boxes at the top would be better as check boxes. Check boxes would make it immediately clear what you have enabled. Instead of relying on colours.
It would also be nice to have a toggle to group mechs by chassis. Turning it off would allow you to view all mechs without having to expand and collapse each chassis type. You could add a "none" choice to the sort menu for this instead of a check-box.
As others have mentioned, it would be very nice to have an indication to modules equipped on the mech thumbnails. Perhaps next to the exclamation icon under the mechs name.
It would be nice if when in Column mode, clicking a mech location in the list on the left would expand AND collapse that section.
The mech stats window in the bottom right is maximised and minimised via a check-box. To me, it would make more sense if it were a a popout icon, like so
When using the column based mechlab, it would be nice to be able to double click an item in the Warehouse in order to equip it.
Weapon Groups
Personally, I find it very difficult to see what weapons I have grouped. The blue used is barely descernable from the white of unselected ones.
I've always found it odd that the skills page has its own tab up top along with "Home" "Mechlab" "Store". Personally think it would make much more sense to be on the left hand list on the home page.
That is all. Keep up the great work!
Edited by Mordynak, 07 May 2015 - 10:25 PM.