Firstly, this adds several extra annoying clicks to sift through the various weight and chassis categories whereas before you could just log into your account, scroll down and click directly on the picture of the exact mech variant you wanted in one smooth motion. Minimum clicks, minimum fuss (pictures beat text boxes any day of the week).
More importantly, with this UI change you no longer "feel" like you own an impressive mechbay and collection of mechs since there seems to be no way to view them all together at the same time anymore. This is key for a free to play game that makes its money by cultivating the pokemon "gotta catch 'em all" syndrome. Losing the ability to see little pictures of all my mechs together in one place simply hurts my enjoyment of the game and removes a lot of incentive for collecting new mechs as far as I'm concerned.
The font in many sections of the mechlab is also simply too small, especially in the torso construction section. It feels like I'm putting together an elemental with tweezers. Most of the screen's real estate is not being used effectively for a given task at hand. I heard Microsoft has invented this amazing type of UI that has windows which actually expand and minimize. Google it.
Oh yeah, and regarding the ugly yellow text for weapons in the mechlab. Don't use it.
So I think many of these new "improvements" are actually a major step back. I see a few useful additions (better upgrades information) but several cases of breaking what was working fine.
Edit: I was also put off by the seeming removal of the internal paperdoll torso "maps" in the mechlab in favour of a cumbersome column down the lefthand side, but then discovered it's possible to bring up the old torso maps by clicking "expanded" in a "layout" dropdown menu at the top right. Again, the tiny font didn't exactly make this feature immediately stand out, and it represents more extra clicking just to get back the old UI 1.0 functionality. Undesirable.
Edited by Rat of the Legion Vega, 07 May 2015 - 10:44 PM.