Here are a few suggestions to make it even better:
- Make it communicate with the Li-Song mechlab and smurfy. It would be so very easy to just 'import' a loadout from there right into your Mechlab!
- For the ballistic weapons there are the next filters: 'AC', 'Gauss' and 'Machinegun'. The latter two contain just one item (being, well, the Gauss and the Machinegun...) and the AC contains all AC's, UAC's and even the LBXes... that doesn't help Make it e.g. 'AC', 'UAC', 'LBX' and 'Other'.
- Same for energy weapons. And there are more places where a filter actually filters just one item.
- Let me be able to see ALL modules I own, no matter which mech it happens to be equipped upon. And, let me be able to drag it right off whichever mech it is mounted on and onto the mech I'm currently editing.
- Add a button to add max armor in a back/front ration of 1:3, 1:5 and 1:10 (say, like in the Li-Song mechlab )
- Let me be able to numerically specify the amount of armor I want instead of having to use the arrow-buttons.
- Specify somewhere (more than one location is preferred) how many internal heatsinks a certain Engine has, I always have to look this up
- For easy loading several of the same items (say, several heatsinks). Select the wanted item in the warehouse and make it possible to double click on empty critical slots to load that item in that location.
- The 'mech stats' bar grows when you check the tick-box. You could also consider double clicking on the title bar to do the same. Less accuracy necessary.
- Specify the optimal range of e.g. a medium laser something like "270m (+30m)" where the latter between parentheses comes from quirks and/or modules. Maybe you could even distinct between quirk and module. Same for heat and what have you.
- If I change the omnipod of, say, the left leg I would like to be able to drag and drop it anywhere on the left leg, not just the one crit-sized space that says 'KDF-D left leg'
- When you select a mech, the loadout on the right should also include targeting computers and BAPs.
- The arms and legs of the paperdoll omnipod filters in the omnipod tab of the warehouse are the wrong way around (torso is correct)
- In the 'Upgrades' section on the layout, the change in tonnage and slots of the ferro and endo upgrades are only shown in one of the two positions (standard or ferro/endo).
- The pop-up menu for details on a weapon do not always pop up when I want it to, specifically for the warehouse.
- When I go to select a mech, while in the midst of editing a mech, and select it, the warehouse items are not updated immediately.
- The purple-ish XP stat of your current mech in the lower left corner doesn't show the comma's, so it shows 200000 in stead of 200,000 like everywhere else.
Edited by Mezzerine, 08 May 2015 - 03:46 PM.