Most of my complaints are in regards to the number of clicks. The more unnecessary clicks I have to make, the worse a system is.
The 'Mech Select' screen really doesn't offer any improvements, and in a few ways, makes it worse than even the horrible setup we have now...
1.) Can we please have the engine equipped added to the list of visible components of the mech upon clicking on it? It's always hard to find that $5,000,000+ engine I don't want to buy again

2.) Can we please remove components, or at the very least modules from mechs at this screen? Rather than having to dive into the mechlab and root it out now that we've found the module we want to pilfer?
3.) Back in closed beta, there was a little window in the lower left that you could store 4? mechs in, that a quick mouse-click would let you select it and run on your merry way. Nice and quick for getting out of one match, and diving into another. Can we get that back??? With this new setup, we have to click on 'select mech', find the chassis in an ever growing list, click to open it, then click the mech, then click 'select mech' again...
The Mechbay is MUCH improved! It took me a little bit of time to figure out how to make the full mech display rather than just the individual sections, but once I got there it was fine. Love being able to sort through ammo based on what's actually equipped. That was always the biggest pain. Even worse when you THINK you've got what you want, and drop only to find, ooops, that was SSRM ammo, not SRM ammo

But, there are some really, really odd design choices here that, once again, enroll me in dolphin telegraph operator academy.
4.) Why do the buttons act as check marks, rather than click to sort? I mean, I understand it for some areas of the mechlab. But this becomes ridiculous in the Omnipod screen. If I want to look at my right arm, I have to unclick head, click right arm, then pick the one I want. Then I want to look at my left arm, so I have to unclick the right arm, reclick the left arm... Surely one click should be enough to let me sort? MAYBE have a small check-box in auxiliary, so you can multi-select things, but this shouldn't be the default. In general, I am looking for one particular component at a time.
So, that's honestly all I have about the bay as it sits now. There are a lot of little niggly things, like some of the symbols are convoluted etc... I do have a few suggestions though above and beyond what's currently in this sample...
a.) I would really like to be able to sort my mechs as I see fit. Let me make my own folders, and stuff whatever mechs I want into them.
b.) Since there's no menu to purchase mechs at this time, I'm not sure if this has been resolved or not... but in the non-test version of the mechlab, when you go to buy a new mech, the default is to buy with MC. This is a Customer Service issue waiting to happen. I've almost blown real money on regular variants I didn't want to several times. And I would be most upset about this. I know it happened at least once to me, with my Founder's MC back when...
c.) Not strictly mechlab, but UI related... also back in early days... there was an option that, while you were in the mechlab, searching for a match, etc... the game would be in a smaller window. Then, when the match kicked in, it would go full screen. This was great! And would really take the edge off of CW wait times if I didn't have to keep tabbing back and forth.
It's almost midnight here... I should be in bed 2 hours ago... So, I'll leave it here for now

Oh... and just to shamelessly plug something completely unrelated... GIVE ME GLOWING ATLAS EYES BACK! (Actually, would love a cockpit-item that adds glowing cockpit to any mech... but would settle for just getting the Atlas back

Edited by Twilight Fenrir, 08 May 2015 - 08:59 PM.