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Maybe a way to incoporate clans but keep them seperate

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#1 Drop Bear


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Posted 03 July 2012 - 02:28 AM

Hey Just a dedicated fan of the whole Battle Tech universe suggesting a way to improve the game and to incorporate the clans at the same time. (ps. Not for the light reader as there will be A LOT of writing.)

(A star is a clans equivalent of a Lance or mech Squadron)

(X represents an unknown number or variable)

So as for the idea, what if the inner sphere was the starting ground where you first play with other players in a less harsh and in depth community more aimed towards fun than elitist prestige. Clan space could be a separate part of the game that can only be accessed by completing certain pre-requisites. Say you have to receive five stars of commendation. Star one, you have to have played for a total of one month. The second star could be you have to have killed an X amount of Assault, Heavy, Medium and light mechs split between their classes of mechs. Star three could be you have to own X amount of battle mechs split between the weight classes. Star four could be you have to have won an X amount of battles and star five could be you have to have been part of an X number of planet conquests. Again this is just theory and is adaptable but is a good way of separating the player levels and creating an official league ladder, even a developer play ground until someone qualifies.

Once the pre-requisites are matched you are then invited to compete for a place in ‘Clan Space’ this is done through a trial by combat in which the player could compete with someone else who qualifies, a player already in clan space who then challenges the player for the right to be in ‘Clan Space’ or at the very least verse an up-gunned bot. The trial could be fought in an arena type battlefield 1v1 on a map of the Clan player’s choice. The challenger will declare his mech then the Challenged will declare his mech, then the challenger can choose to go lighter and then the challenged may choose to go lighter meaning that you incorporate the prestige theory that clans use, of doing more with less. If the challenger defeats the challenged he is accepted into ‘Clan Space’ but if he is defeated he will lose his mech as the spoils of war, much like the way the clans normally operate, and will have to achieve the pre-requisites again. Not meaning that his stats get re-set but that he now has to get even more to be considered again. (The pre-requisite that you have X amount of mechs would prevent players from losing their ability to play due to a lost mech.) If the Challenger wins with say a commando against a Jenner (or other comparisons) he will get a starting clan mech of the difference between the two mech’s tonnage added onto his enemies heavier mech’s tonnage, this is a reward for doing with less. After this the victorious challenger is allowed to be bid on by the clans as to who want him to join for an hour or a day afterwards during which time the newly victorious will be allowed to have practice matches against bots with his new mech to get a hang of it. (This means that doing more with less will be a very good thing) and if this ends up failing then the player may make an offering of his inner sphere mechs to a clan to buy entrance. The decisions of who gets in could be made by developers who would run the clans or moderators chosen by developers so that the game stays as fair to all up and comings as possible. When ranking up in the clans it could be similar to the already displayed loyalty point system but instead of acts of loyalty you could do kills are worth honour points and once again using the ‘more witth less’ theory meaning different kills are worth different amounts. A challenge by combat would be required between you and a competitor (upon receiving a required amount of honourpoints) for the rank to decide who gets up a rank or even you must beat someone of that rank much the same as the trial to enter ‘Clan Space.’
(in cases of a victory between a twenty ton mech and a hundred ton mech the victorious twenty ton mech would receive two mechs with the tonnage split between the mechs as the victor wishes or possibly even a higher amount of starting honour points.)

Planets can be won by a larger scale trial by combat where leaders of clans or perhaps smaller units challenge another clan’s members and use different players who are of a lesser rank using maybe one star instead of two or two light stars versus an assault star and after several bouts the new owner is decided. This can also earn you honour points but as the commanding officer you can also lose honour points by A) losing to an enemy with less forces or by B ) losing with a lesser force. A) because he beat you with a meeker force and A ) because you could not gauge your limits and have humiliated the clan. This could also create the effect of when the clans come to the inner sphere they will be superior in every way as they were in the Battle tech universe but as key story line events take place inner sphere forces will be able to access different clan technologies meaning that now there is only a skill difference in the pilots as it really is. The clan forces will give the inner sphere a common enemy who merc groups can attack and gain loyalty points from all the houses whilst losing nothing from the clans as clans traditionally don’t use ‘mercs’ and never had respect for them in the first place. Even with the invasion the clans will just be occupying Inner Sphere territory and so players will still have to compete to enter ‘Clan Space.’ This will also open the way for all of the IIC variants of many Inner Sphere mechs and may even lead into the Word of Blake and other uprisings.

Other clan game types could be a survival mode where you fight against waves of increasingly difficult enemy mechs either solo or with team mates. This would earn Honour points for doing better and can be good for finding the better pilot amongst star mates and friends. There could also be powered armour attached to clan gameplay as this is where the majority of Powered armour comes from (i.e. elementals).

This was just an idea I had for you guys at Piranha games to consider implementing into the game
(Being accepted into the Closed BETA tomorrow would keep me quiet about this being my idea and all ;) just jokes all I really want is to improve the game experience for all the MechWarrior fans out there.)

And to the community pls don’t go too harsh on me it is just a suggestion.
Thx Drop Bear

#2 Insidious Johnson


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Posted 03 July 2012 - 02:50 AM

There is no new suggestion under the Federated Suns. Have you played one second of the game? How do you know it needs improvement? Perhaps you could get more traction with this post after the release of the game and more towards December. The clans will not even be seen as an opponent by any playable faction known until Spring. In the meantime read the boards long enough and you'll see what I mean about "no new thing". I think they will be hammering out just exactly how the meta game will work for a few months more. Relaunch your campaign then when every clanner and their mother is tired of wearing horned helmets and drinking mead in Rasalhague. You'll be able to pick up support and gain much more momentum of opinion.

#3 Drop Bear


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Posted 03 July 2012 - 03:00 AM

thx for the hint

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