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My Opinions And Suggestions

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#1 Flashforce


  • Star Colonel V
  • 9 posts

Posted 11 May 2015 - 04:37 AM

Hi i'm sure some of this has been posted already but this is a copy and paste from what i typed during test.
This is just my opinion i'm sure not everyone will agree. :P
Just noticed a few mockups people did for this, they are GREAT! Will do same if i have time :)

Not sure why the change to Select Mech

Cannot see the 3D Mech anymore, camo, etc

Takes longer to switch Mechs

New Filters for Clan/IS/Owned/Trial are great

Seeing Loadout/Modules/Consumables is great also but both implemented in the old Select Mech instead

Should Show Cockpit items too and maybe Camo used as you can no longer see Mech

Expanded Mechs state does not save when Filters change
"Expand all" button for Mechs, Easier for new players to recognise mech icons than by name

People with a few mechs can select faster in the semi grid view

People with many mechs need to scroll either way

Cannot find the Buy Mech Button or Mech Bays available, hopefully will be in the Buy Mech screen
There is no BAP indicator alongside ECM AMS Artemis

Brings attention to an obscured piece of gear

Cockpit Section no longer has sub menus, can only change from the bottom right icons

Should relocate bottom icons as the sub menus under the Cockpit menu to see options easier

Loadout Section, Column Layout Warehouse is all the way on the other side.

Great we can double click to unequip items now

Cannot double click or right click to Equip for selected area on Mech

Have to drag items all the way from right to left. Warehouse could be on Left hand side

Should have a drop down/popup Warehouse menu with appropriate items when you click the Hardpoint Icon(s) beside the selected area

eg. Click/Mouseover Missle icon on a torso to reveal a dropdown/overlap menu of all missle options like warehouse shows to equip directly

To the right side of the Mech sections is where the detailed item window pops up at the moment, after hovering mouse over an item for a second.

This is usually used to compare and would be better served just on the left side of the warehouse.

It is there at the moment but I am unsure as how to bring it up consistently.

Single click on another item sometimes makes it appear.

Double click and Right click seem to do nothing.

All other items that have no hard points would make the Warehouse to the right side more bearable and simple

Or have a Misc icon on each section of the Mech function like the hardpoints

Engine modifications on the engine is brilliant!

Makes the engine tab in the Warehouse almost useless. Maybe min-max ratings could be shown somewhere else

YES! Finally Ammo tab only shows for Equiped weapons! No more looking for ammo with all similar icons lol

Upgrades section also much better. Unsure why Modules section is in Warehouse instead of beneath Upgrades though.

Clicking on a Module type on left side changes Warehouse tab to Weapons again.

We can just mouseover/click an Empty Slot and have a popup menu to the side of it with a list of options for that Module Type

Again I love the option to only show Weapon modules for Equipped weapons!

Loadout Section, Expanded Layout has a few of the same problems as mentioned above

Warehouse is closer to some sections of the Mech now but still would probably be better on the left

Popup side menus for Hardpoints would have to be overlapping ones in this layout

Modules section could be under Left Arm section if interface is smaller than current one

Maybe have the area more transparent so you could see it centered on the mech more.

With Column Layout would have been nice to see return of UI1.0 Mech Section Highlights and Selection.

Probably would work well with expanded also.

Seeing hit box size and how vulnerable each section was good too.

I think it was faster to select sections from mechs, it was a long time ago. xD

Off topic but hope you are still fixing up the Clan Camos after the Ghost Bear colours.

The Smoke Jaguar Camo is still missing its red stripes that completed the look!

All the Clan Camos are still missing side textures on the CT when LRMs10+ are on the Mad Dogs!

And yes the missles are on STs they just appear on top left/right of the CT on the mech

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